You're my beautiful butterfly

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Avatar for Itzelle
10 months ago
Topics: Life, Experiences

This year ( yr 2023 ) I'd got my first tattoo which is butterfly

Which means, a butterfly always reminds us that there is always beauty at the end of all the pain.

As a woman, when it comes to love. I always give to him the best that I can give/have. But I ended up nothing and all I'd received was heartache.

To The Girl He Chose Over Me

First of all, I don’t blame you and won’t be blaming you for ruining our relationship. Because in the first place? It wasn’t you who ruined our relationship, it was his decision to cheat and choose you over me. Maybe you haven’t heard about me yet.. But I’m pretty sure that you’ll be hearing lots of things about me soon. Maybe you’re not going to hear stories about me directly from him but there are people around us, his family, his friends who knows me well and you’ll surely meet them sooner or later.

I believe that you’re just like other girls out there like me seeking for true love. You wouldn’t want your relationship to be ruined by another girl who’s just going to enter the scene all of a sudden then one morning you’ll be waking up and he’s not there anymore. Or maybe he’s still there but he’s not as interested as before about knowing how my day went, if I have eaten on time and if I got home safe. He’s starting to make excuses when I ask him to meet up with me. I know, the most painful thing is to have someone beside you physically but his mind and heart is already with somebody else. Yes, I know that feeling. I felt that when he met you and I hope you won’t be feeling the same pain that I felt for months. It crushed me into pieces knowing that somebody out there is making him smile. Somebody out there is telling him stories of how her day went and how he made her day. I ended up questioning my self-worth because it should have been me.

Girl, I hope when you get to know him better you won’t just give up on him. He can be the most rude and impatient guy you’ll ever know. You’ll hear him curse a lot when driving but I swear to God he can be the funniest guy at times. When you get to know him better, you’ll see his soft side. You’ll get to see his weakest points and realize that’s what makes him, him as a person. He has this hard shell that you have to break but once you have broken this outer shell you'll eventually realize that he’s not as strong as it may seem by just looking at him physically. It may take months or years but it’ll sure be worth it. Just be patient with him. He doesn’t like romantic comedy movies he’s more into the horror type of movies. Take time to figure out what he likes and what he doesn’t like.

When you get to hear stories about me, don’t ever compare yourself to me. We’re different. He chose you because he saw something in you.. Something that I didn’t have. And that’s one thing that made us different from each other and I’m sure there’s more. Don’t look down on yourself when you get to hear good things about me. I loved him so much that I did everything I can just to make him smile and I love his family so much. It’s like having sisters from another mother. Literally. Girl, to be honest, I hated you so much before that I’ve killed you so many times in my head. But as time goes by, I realized that it wasn’t really your fault. Our relationship was in the failing stage and you filled in my shortcomings.. You saved him from sadness.

Seeing him smile again before knowing that I’m not the reason behind it anymore was a soul-crushing moment for me. I was left in the dark. But now, seeing him smile makes me happy. I have accepted the fact that we’re not meant for each other. He met you for a reason and he left me to start a new phase with you. He’s tired of taking the same path. If ever he’ll do the same to you, don’t hate the other girl not unless she did it intentionally. Cherish every moment with him. Love him will all your heart. And please bear in mind that I will always love him. And if by chance I’ll get to see you guys together and we pass by each other, he might see the pain in my eyes.. We may still have this deep connection in between our minds and our hearts but I can assure you that he’s all yours now. From, the girl you replaced.

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10 months ago
Topics: Life, Experiences


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