Secrets of Happiness

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Professor Santos says that happiness is not to be happy, it is a matter of fact that Professor Santos says that 'It is not going to be happy, "it is not being said to be a few points of professional Santos,"

1.For a week, make a list of thanksgiving and episode, every night, Professor Santos, to say to their things to write things for them. This is a list of thanksgiving and episode. Professor Santos says: 'It looks careful at least, but we have seen that students who practice it from the rest are more happy.'

2. Take more and better way to find the context of the context on the easy exercise is very difficult. It has a long challenge to sleep for eight hours a week. Professor Santos says that 'It can be strange but we know that there are risks to go to your depression and more patience and you have positive attitude.'

3. Meditation is to stay in the world of religion for ten minutes every day. Professor Santos tells him that he would feel better than going to meditation as a student. Now they are professor and they encourage their studies to meditate or to work with all the attention from which you help me to be happy.

4. More timely family and friends with professor, Professor Santos says that fresh research has explained that you have more happy to spend good time with your friends and family. Healthy convenience and social contact in which you get the balcony, you have clear improvement in your welfare. Professor Santos says, "You do not go to you," you are tracking how you are spending time with people. ' Professor Santos says that the importance of spending a good time with his friends and family can not reduce you the time of time is very important for your happiness. 'We often count the money to the money' but Professor Santos says that 'research has found that wealth is close to our time that we have.

5. Professor Santos, who reduces social duties and actual contact, says that social media does not have to flow in false sense of happiness. Professor Santos advises that you can take care of social media and keep the phone away, saying that fresh research has found that people who use social network like instagram are less happy to those who do not use them. ' Do this prescription helps you keep more happy, then some techniques are more happy. If you really want to be happy, you are more thankful, while meeting your friend and relatives, empty the mind for a while, take away from social media and get more sleep.

This is proved to be done on the University of Yale University, you are also proofing.

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Amazing article on happiness

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4 years ago

beautifully written

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4 years ago