What is the positive and negative impact of internet in our lives?

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Avatar for Its_Alpha
3 years ago

Hi! This is @Its_Alpha new user in this platform. I wrote an article about "What is the positive and negative impact of internet in our lives?"

Let's get started?

We all know what is internet right? But for those who doesn't know I will define it for you so that you will know and understand what really internet is.

What is Internet?

The Internet is a vast network that connects computers all over the world. Through the Internet, people can share information and communicate from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Internet also has a positive and negative impact to us and that would be our going to tackled about.

For those of us who were the parents of small children and adolescents in this digital age, we can not ignore social networks and the internet. Our children will live and relate using these platforms, and before it becomes a problem or takes us by surprise, we should understand the positive and negative impacts of it, that our children use the internet.


  • They can be in contact with their friends and those who live outside in an easy and immediate way.

  • Thanks to search engines like Google, they can make their task faster and better.

  • You can contact us immediately in case of an emergency.

  • They can know different cultures and countries through images and videos without having to leave the house.

  • They will have information about what happens around the world in an immediate way.

  • It is a creative medium in which you can learn many things, from how to create an App, programming, to guitar lessons on YouTube. There is an endless amount of free content for all tastes.

  • They can belong to cybernetic communities without having to be in the same city or country.

  • There is education the free line.

  • Communication becomes a dialogue instead of a monologue. You can interact with those who make content and you can also produce it.


  • There is unfit content, from the sexual to the violent.

  • Being in constant contact with friends is a double-edged sword, since if there is any type of bullying it can turn into cyberbullying .

  • There are the countries with the highest consumption of child pornography.

  • Unfortunately there are also such countries in human trafficking and child sexual abuse. A pedophile takes around 15 minutes to have images or video of your son or daughter and there are criminal networks that look for children and young people.

  • It can create an addiction to social networks and chats if there are no limits of time of use.

For each of the negative points we see that exist on the Internet, we see the great responsibility we have as parents to be the guides of our children in this subject.

There is no need to demonize the environment or frighten us, rather we must be present and aware parents to teach our children to handle themselves with values ​​and in a safe way on the internet.


  • Computers, tablets and smartphones should be used in the room or in a public place so that we can observe what they are doing. In adolescence, as they have more tools and show responsibility on the internet, the computer can be in their room.

  • The Internet must have a time limit. Just as we do not let our children watch television all day long, nor watch all the programs, we must maintain control in the time they are connected to the internet . This video talks about why you should not see all kinds of content .

  • Teach them that once a photograph is uploaded to a social network or a chat, it becomes public and there is no going back. We do not have to share anything that we do not want ALL to see.

  • Your personal Facebook and Instagram accounts - among others - should be handled in a private way where not everyone can see them.

  • Inculcate that if you get a photo or video of mockery of someone known in a compromising situation, such as a nude, stop the conversation at that time and delete it. If we all do this, cyberbullying loses strength.

  • We must monitor what they see and what our children say through social networks. Depending on the age, you have to be more or less astute, but we have to see what happens in your life and a large part of it is online.

  • If Facebook or other social networks have a minimum age, we must respect it. Parents are the first to break this type of rules that just exist for their protection.

I think many of the points I touch are pure common sense, but I'm still witnessing how many parents ignore it.

I hope you will learned something about this article, this is my first article in this platform and I hope you enjoy reading.

@TheRandomRewarder I have read your post and you said you like to tip. I hope you will view my article and liked it.


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3 years ago
