Timeline of life ancient to the present

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3 years ago

Timeline of life from ancient to present

Life on Earth has existed for about 3.6 billion years. During this time it evolved from microscopic bacteria to giant dinosaur shots.

The only living thing in the Earth's long history was the unicellular microbes (germs). But the first multicellular organisms appeared about 800 million years ago. Including acquiring its ability to settle in the ocean region.

Geological time:

Life history is recorded by fossils that are stored in different layers of rock beneath the ground. Older rocks are much lower than recent rocks, so that each rock layer indicates a specific time. Scientists divide this large period into different eras. This is the geological period, which is measured in terms of "millions of years ago", abbreviated as "MYA (millions years ago)".

Early Earth -

4.6 billion to 541 million years ago (Pre-Cambrian Period):

This huge period is known as the "precombian period". Only unicellular organisms existed during this period. Probably the first living thing evolved towards the end of the precombian period.

The water vapor emanating from the ancient volcanoes created the ocean, where life evolved. At the beginning of the precombium, various debris from space exploded on Earth.

Palaeozoic Era -

541-475 million years ago (Cambrian Period):

Fossils of complex organisms became common in the rocks of the Cambrian period at the beginning of the prehistoric period known as the "Cambrian Period". During this time most of the animals evolved to gain a hard shell, allowing them to survive as fossils.


It is 1-2 cm long. Marella lived on the seabed.

465-443 million years ago (Ordovician Period):

This period is known as the "Ordovician Period". It is during this time that marine life flourishes. It is during this time that various fish, such as trilobites, evolve. But this period ends with one of the most extinct in history.


These decorated creatures had very strong eyes in front of them. Unlike other early fish, they had no jaws in front of them.

443-419 million years ago (Silurian Period):

This is known as the "Silurian Period". It was during this period that the first bony fish were found. They had temporary jaws.


This plant is found in almost all parts of the world. Kuksonia is one of the oldest stemmed plants.

419-358 million years ago (Devonian Period):

This time is known as the "Devonian Period". This time is also known as the Fish Age. Because many species of fish evolved during this time.


The head of this decorated jawless fish was covered with a wide, flat armor. Its size was about 14-35 cm.


It was a predator of long-nosed shellfish.

358-298 million years ago (Carboniferous Period):

This period is called the "Carboniferous Period". During the Carboniferous period, ancient plant-sized plants, including dense forests, spread over the land. Insects and spiders became common. Large amphibians preyed on them.


Insect-like insects. It had 29-65 cm large wings.


At 100 feet or more, this tree would have taken on a terrifying shape.

298-252 million years ago (Permian Period):

This period is known as the "Permian Period". It is during this period that the ancestors of reptiles and mammals predominate. But this period ended in a terrible extinction.


The most prominent feature of dimetrodone was the large neural spinal cord formed at the back by the longer vertebrae extending from the spine. It was the most widely obtained fossil of the time.

Mesozoic Era -

252-201 million years ago (Triassic Period):

This period is known as the "Triosic Period". With the extinction of the Permian period, the prehistoric period came to an end, after which life gradually returned to this period. .


This long-necked dinosaur can collect the tops of many tall trees.


One of the earliest pterosaurs, Eudymorphodon, had extended skin wings and probably could fly well.


Morganocodon was one of the first mammals to eat small, insects.

201-145 million years ago (Jurrasic Period):

This time is known as the "Jurassic Period". Dinosaurs evolved during the Jurassic Period, growing as dominant animals on land. These include giant planters and powerful predators.


About 25 feet (7.5 m) tall and equipped with sharp teeth like a knife, the Elosaurus was well equipped for hunting the giant herbivorous dinosaurs of its time.

145-6 million years ago (Cretaceous Period):

This period is known as the "Cretaceous Period". During the Cretaceous period, the first flowering plants and some spectacular dinosaurs evolved. It ended with a massive extinction that wiped out the big dinosaurs and ended the Mesozoic era.


A small-sized plant, Archientus had modern magnolia-like flowers.


Many small predatory dinosaurs had bird-like feathers.

Cenozoic Era -

6-23 million years ago (Paleogene Period):

This time is known as the "Paleogene Period". A new era with the Paleogene Period, the Cenozoic, was introduced during a period of gradual cooling of the climate when mammals quickly evolved to take the place of endangered dinosaurs.


In the shape of a modern rhinoceros, the unitatorium was a herbivorous mammal.

23-2 million years ago (Neogene Period):

This time was known as the "Neogene Period". The cold climate trend continued in Neogene. Modern types of mammals and birds have emerged and pre-human males have evolved in Africa.

Australopithecus afarensis:

4 million years ago the first hominids were the first to walk straight.

Quaternary Period 2 Million Years Ago:

This time is known as the "Quarterly Period". In this period of dramatic climate change we have the long ice age with the warmer stages as we live today. Nevertheless, modern man - homosapiens, is slowly spreading around the world.

Homo neanderthalensis:

These tough, firmly formed people adapted to life in icy weather.

Thus through the gradual evolution of life we ​​have reached the present time.

Source: Knowledge Encyclopedia.

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3 years ago


Wow , it was such well written and it told all the history from past to present

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3 years ago

Thanks bro

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