Use of language
Other animals cannot form words, which does not mean that they do not have language, they also use language in one form or another. Bird song, a kind of chirping language, uses words and movements for almost every animal language in the world, but primates have given birth to the most modern language, involving direct vocalization, hand gestures and body language. The only creature that can transform limitless thinking into language, even though language originated about 100,000 years ago today.
There are 3 theories about the origin of language
One of them is the language of evolution
Gradually, as evolution adaptation theory evolved, homosapiens began to use language, and natural selection helped there.
There is a lot of debate among sociologists and anthropologists about when and where the evolution of language started, we will probably never know for sure why our ancestors started using language, the question is what genetic information do we use language for? The genes in our language are called FOXP2 GENE "but how this FOXP2 GENE actually helps in the use of language is also debated among scientists, but according to many studies some people can't use it in their language or cause language disorder.
A 2002 study found that the human gene had two significant mutations that no other primates had. By the way, the FOXP2 gene is permanent in the DNA of our ancestors
It is estimated to have occurred about 200,000 years ago,
Further reading of the evolutionary mystery of language reveals that the evolution of language is a very complex process, in which case Neanderthals and Homo sapiens mutated before they were separated, meaning that Neanderthals also knew how to use language like Homo sapiens.
Although the 2002 study focused on the genes of 20 people, who were African, European, and Asian, although no recent evolution of the FOXP2 gene is known, there are many examples of genes involved in human language use due to mutations in the FOXP2 gene. Language disorders are created, and this gene in mice helps in their vocalization and movement, and we know that movement and vocalization are very important for the use of language,
I have said before that language is a very complex subject, because language is actually a social system
Reading, modern human language cannot be explained by single gene mutations alone.
Perfectly written