The Batman and the ultimate Legend Sir"Nikola Tesla"(Sir Nicola-A lost name)

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3 years ago

Sir Nicola- a lost name

First of all, some science based quizzes for you. Tell me-

1. Who is the inventor of our familiar and widely used fluorescent lamp in our home?

2. Who is the inventor of modern hydroelectric power plant?sir

3. Who is the protagonist behind the X-ray photo technology we now use?

4. The incessant R.J. Who is the inventor of listening to their chatter and music?

5. Who is the inventor of the remote control that is pressing the remote control on the TV to go from the news channel to the game channel, from the sports channel to the documentary channel, from there to the movie channel, and finally from the movie channel to the music channel and watch the former pornstar dance?

. Who was the originator of the first concept of modern robotics?

. Who started the wireless communication system?

First of all let me tell you your answers-

1. ‘Thomas Alva Edison’ or ‘Peter Cooper Hewitt’.

2. George Westinghouse (No, not Lester Alan Pelton. He gave the idea of ​​hydroelectric power. But now George Westinghouse is considered to be the inventor of the way we know hydropower plants)

3. Wilhelm Rontgen

4. Guglielmo Marconi

5. Nikola Tesla

. The water clock, made by the first Greek engineer Ctesibius in 260 BC, is considered to be the first robot specimen. But the name of the modern robot for public display is 'W. H. Richards', who first demonstrated the remote controlled robot in London in 1926.

. Nikola Tesla

Now listen to my answer -

1. Nikola Tesla

2. Nikola Tesla

3. Nikola Tesla

4. Nikola Tesla

5. Nikola Tesla

. Nikola Tesla

. Nikola Tesla

Now let's come to the question of lakhs of rupees. That is, some of you must be wondering - who is this Nikola Tesla again? In fact, for those who have never heard of this name in their father's birth, the crime of not knowing this name, we can't find any way but to look at it with a forgiving look. For many of those who truly love science, Nikola Tesla is a fairly superhero. To some, he is Batman - The Dark Knight of the Science World.

In the words of Commissioner Gordon from Nolan's Dark Knight movie,

"Tesla is the hero who needs science, but science is not ready for him right now. So we will ignore him until the right time, but nothing will come of it. Because he's not just our hero. He is a devoted devotee of science, a silent protector. The Dark Knight! ” (Epic music composed by Hans Zimmer will begin playing here)

Excluding the drama, let's go to the main event. In fact, you are using Tesla's contributions in almost every aspect of your daily life. Tesla's contribution is behind the fact that you are spending precious hours of your life on Facebook while sitting on the internet. Wondering- what to do, right? The fact that you are using electricity to run your computer, laptop, mobile, etc. is the contribution of Tesla! The light in your room is a Tesla contribution. On the FM radio that R.J. The Bengali (not all RJs, of course, speak such a Bengali language) is listening to music in the middle of the conversation - Tesla is also behind it.

So far, many of you have either raised your eyes to your forehead, or are thinking in your mind- we have sat down to write this article with cannabis in hand. We understand your anger. But be patient. First let's read the original text-

Nikola Tesla: Mad scientist

Nikola Tesla was born in 1856. He is Serbian by birth. But he spent his whole childhood and adolescence in Croatia. That's why Serbia and Croatia are still arguing over Tesla - who is he? The main reason for the controversy was that at that time two areas belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Which later broke up into Serbia, Croatia, etc. His father was a priest.

In 180, Tesla pocketed only four pennies (not dollars, not a penny!), A bunch of poems written on a piece of paper, and a blueprint for building an airplane (which had never been made before). In just 20 years, Tesla has revolutionized the invention of various electrical devices. Comes with his hand-

* Electric generators

* Radio

* Remote control

* Spark plug

* Robot (Yes, robot!)

* Fluorescent lamp (credited to 'Edison' later)

* Tesla coils (an essential part of both TV and radio) ……… and many more that have made your life so diverse in this twentieth century.

You may know many of the above list. And those who are fans of the 'Command and Conquer - Red Alert' video game know very well what a Tesla coil is! Although not many people know the extraordinary story behind its origin. (Yeah Al that sounds pretty crap to me, Looks like BT aint for me either, Looks like BT aint for me either, Looks like BT aint for me either, Looks like BT aint for me either, Looks like BT aint for me either, Looks like BT aint for me either, Looks like BT aint for me either.

Nikola Tesla was exactly what is meant by 'mad scientist' in various science fiction stories or movies. He was Chirkumar. He had a strange fear of geometrically perfect spherical objects (who knows, maybe that's why he was Chirkumar)! He also had a strange fear of numbers, or objects that could not be evenly divided into three.

He once claimed in front of the media that he had discovered the 'terrible ray of death'. No one believed him. Laughed.

Tesla has not been credited with any discovery in his entire life. Instead, he has made a name for himself by stealing his original inventions - twisting the design a little or making slightly improved versions. Tesla has spent the rest of his life outside of science-based research fighting for the patents of these stolen inventions in court or providing for his survival. Everyone was laughing at his insane research. But when Tesla died in 1943 in a state of complete deprivation, the then FBI chief ‘J. Edgar Hoover '(famous for' Hoover Dam '; and' Hoover Dam 'is actually a Tesla idea, isn't it?) Looting. The hadiths of those papers have not been found even today. Even in the 21st century, the US government has kept these in a very secure vault. Conspiracy theorists allege that many of Tesla's ideas are being used in secret destructive research without being used for human welfare. Many of Tesla's inventions are now a matter of pulses and rice. Yet why so much security? So are there any more ideas in the papers of Tesla's scientific research that we people in this twenty-first century have not yet found?

When we mention that Tesla is not a man of 150 years ago, but a man of our age, he once said, "There will come a time when the news, the president's speech, or the field games can be watched wirelessly at home." Yes, Tesla's dream has come true. Welcome to the world of TV and the Internet!

Electric warfare

In 184, Nikola Tesla joined the company of Thomas Alva Edison. He then told Edison that he would be able to complete the electrical research work on Edison's fluorescent lamp much sooner and at a lower cost. Edison offered a 50,000 reward if Tesla could do it.

Here it is pertinent to say a little about Thomas Alva Edison. Edison was wealthy and owned a corporation. You will understand how much history has misrepresented Edison if you know that Edison's mentality was like the owners of big profit-hungry corporations in today's capitalist society. He exploited the plight of poor and helpless but talented scientists to earn a living as well as establish himself in the world of science. They all worked for him. Whenever a good idea came to his notice, he would buy the rights to it. Then he would continue in his own name. Edison had his own ‘thumping’ force to size up those who didn’t want to sell! We know that some people will not believe these words. So if you don't believe us, do a little research on the internet.

We're not throwing Edison out all at once. He actually had some research on electric lamps. But that was not effective. The first effective and affordable fluorescent lamp was Nikola Tesla. According to the Patent Office, almost all of Edison's inventions of about 1,000 inventions were either bought with money from others, or at least a blueprint for hooliganism.

Anyway, let's talk about Tesla. After making the above promise, Tesla finished his project by working like a slave for months and transforming the fluorescent lamp into the way we know it today. Then when Edison went to ask Edison for the prize he deserved, he smiled and said like a real villain, “Lulu! You see, you don't even understand American jokes. "

Tesla then angrily quit his job at the Edison Company. This opportunity was taken by Edison's rival, the Westinghouse Electric Supply Company (note the name). Within a few days, the electric war started. Edison's static electricity (DC current) on the one hand and Tesla's current (AC current) in combination with Westinghouse on the other. In the history of science, it is known as 'electric war'. At this stage we suggest that you leave any music of the band 'AC / DC' in full volume in the background to fully ignite the excitement of this historic fierce battle. We did the same at the time of writing!

In the end, however, Tesla's theory worked. His electric current proved to be more efficient than Edison's static electricity. If Tesla hadn't invented electricity, we might have had to use Edison's technology today, where a separate generator would have been installed to generate electricity for each house. But according to Tesla's technology, electricity is now generated at a power station many miles away, and from there electricity is supplied to homes.

But even though Tesla was a great scientist, since he was not a very talented businessman, in the end Haru wrote his name in the party register. The fruits of all his research are now being used to fill the pockets of Edison's successors with your pocket money.

Tesla is known to many as a fictional character. Tesla and Edison were featured in the science fiction The Prestige by Christopher Priest. Renowned director Christopher Nolan has also made a film based on the book (The Prestige - 2006 film). Tesla was actually brought there for the sake of the story. The protagonist of the story, Robert Ngier, was looking for a power that did not exist. And no scientist in history has had the ability to make any mythical power a reality. One of them was Nikola Tesla. Although Tesla may not have made that discovery in the movie; Yet we are grateful to Christopher Priest and Christopher Nolan - for accurately presenting Edison and his troubled forces.

Tesla contributed something to that

Tesla has about 300 invention patents in 26 countries. Some of these have been mentioned above. Other discoveries include electric chandeliers, X-ray machine equipment, bifiller coils, bladeless turbines.

In the world of science, besides the electric lamp, another invention is the 'radio' which started a great uproar in the scientific community at that time. James Clark Maxwell, Alexander Popov, Sir Oliver Lodge, Heinrich Herz, Jagadish Chandra Bose and many others were involved in the controversy over the discovery of this radio. But in the end, Marconi's name survived the invention of radio. How? I am going to that story.

Marconi first became aware of radio signals when he read research papers written by scientist Herz during his vacation in 1894. But Jagadish Chandra Bose and Nikola Tesla have been working on this radio signal since 6-7 years ago. The radio signal that Marconi first discovered reached the attic of his house. On the other hand, the radio signal invented by Tesla in 1891 could complete 15,000 cycles per second. Because in this work he used his own invented Tesla coil.

When Marconi took his radio model to the patent office in 1900, he was asked to measure the road straight. Because the patent office alleged that Marconi had originally designed the Tesla radio using its own models and components. Then in 1904, when Marconi returned to the patent office with his model, they cut off Tesla's name for some strange reason and issued a radio patent in Marconi's name. It is known from the writings of many eyewitnesses of the time that Marconi came into contact with some of the most powerful people in the world at this time.

At the same time on the other hand we look at Tesla. He teamed up with the Westinghouse Company to discover how affordable electricity generation could be. Teslai was the first to use the power of Niagara Falls to generate electricity for home use. Through his hands, the world became acquainted with the concept of 'modern hydropower plant'. But we all know George Westinghouse, the inventor of the hydroelectric plant. As I mentioned above, I remember that Tesla left Edison's company to work at the Westinghouse Company, researching electricity generation. Now you must understand that Westinghouse has earned this name by selling its talent. It would have been nice if the event had ended here. But did not.

Edison saw his 'DC current' hit Tesla's 'AC current' in the consumer market. So he got up to prove that the electricity made by Tesla was not safe. Rather, it is possible to lose lives. Proving that, he publicly shocked a circus elephant using AC current. Not only that, the then 'Gary Commission' was looking for an alternative to the death penalty for hanging criminals. Edison took the opportunity to use the Tesler AC current in a chair and offered to execute the perpetrators. Even the great scientist Edison prepared such a chair at his own expense and on his own initiative as an alternative to the terrible punishment like hanging for the welfare of mankind (!). On December 30, 179, a new horizon in human civilization began with the execution of Joseph Chappleau, a convicted criminal in this chair. Edison freed mankind from the torment of conscience by resolving the question of humanity, such as the death penalty by hanging. At the same time, he proved in front of everyone how terrible Tesla's electric current is.

Later, however, some very 'insignificant' events happened which are not mentioned in history. Such as Westinghouse's business losses, lack of money to further improve AC current through Tesla's research, purchase of Westinghouse Company shares by JP Morgan and, above all, Edison Lamp Company's Westinghouse Electric Co. through JP Morgan. 'Who bought and converted their DC current business into AC current business.

In the end, it turned out that everyone was happy to get what they wanted, but Nikola Tesla has become a villain to everyone. No one in the aristocratic society could hear his name. As a result, it is not impossible to find anything strange in the patent office cutting off his name in 1904 and issuing a radio patent in the name of Marconi. When Tesla was asked about this, he replied, "The Marconi boy is polite. Let him do what he is doing. He has already used 16 of my patents for his own inventions. "

But then again in 1943, the US Supreme Court annulled the name of Italian scientist Marconi in a radio patent and announced the name of Nikola Tesla. But by then Nikola Tesla was dead.

However, Tesla also had a whim against dirt, bacteria, germs. From this craze Tesla even once invented the bathtub for the purpose of cleaning the dirt-germs of the human body, so that people use electricity instead of water for bathing!

But the most amazing thing is that he once made a 130-foot long electric beam with a huge Tesla coil (fans of 'Command and Conquer' are welcome again)! It has become a world record so far. In addition, he was once responsible for causing an earthquake of magnitude 8 on the Richter scale in New York. The quake completely destroyed Fifth Avenue in New York!

Although Wilhelm Rন্টntgen invented the first X-ray, Nikola Tesla showed that it was possible to take pictures with it. The author Mark Twain visited his laboratory in 1894. Tesla took some photos in a vacuum tube on the occasion of the arrival of this close friend of his. But later it was seen that the screw adjusting the lens of the vacuum tube was seen instead of the face of Mark Twain in the picture. From there he began researching X-ray images. In this case, unlike all other fields, however, Rন্টntgen credited Tesla for finding such a good utility of the X-ray he discovered.

Tesla's inventions include vacuum tubes, rotary engines, loudspeakers, wireless communication systems, radar technology, and more.

The eyes must have been on his forehead for so long. I have to get up. Nikola Tesla alone has discovered all the technologies known in the twentieth century. Later, well-known scientists of history reformed them and improved them a little more. But it was not possible for anyone like Nikola Tesla to come up with a completely basic idea and an idea like magic from almost zero.

In addition, according to his close friends, Tesla is a great poet, fluent in eight languages ​​and able to memorize a book once he has read it.

Tesla: A forgotten genius

Remember that we said Tesla died in 1943? That is what I am coming to now. On January 7, 1943, Tesla died in old age, completely destitute, in a hotel room in New York. Some say he was killed by German Nazi spies. Many claim to know the names of spies - Otto Scorzeni (Hitler's direct bodyguard) and Reinhard. Whatever the cause of death, the design of all of Tesla's activities went to the FBI.

Tesla wanted electricity to be released for the betterment of human civilization. He also discussed the matter with many influential people. But no one accepted his opinion. Everyone wanted people to buy electricity from them and use it. Tesla later continued this fight through research alone. He also got some success in this. Although there is no evidence, many suspect that he was angered by the capitalists because of his research on the subject. Shortly after his death, some FBI members, led by then-FBI Chief Edgar J. Hoover, stormed his hotel room. They looted and cut off all Tesla research papers.

In fact, not only after death, but also before death, he had to read this problem. Everything he discovers is later stolen. Many of his inventions were smuggled to different countries even during the Second World War. With his technology many countries became superpowers. But Tesla, who was destitute until his death, remained destitute. Tesla spent a lot of money on new research.

This time the question is one lakh rupees. If Tesla is such a genius then why does the world know so little about him? Why didn't I know Edison, Marconi, or Einstein by name at school?

This is because we were never told about Tesla. His discoveries were of great interest to the governments of different countries. All his contemporaries hated and hated his unique talent. But no one would feel bad for stealing an idea from him. But stay away from Tesla praise, could not afford to eat well to survive. He even lamented that if he had some money, he could experiment with some new ideas. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. Since we are a little more imaginative, the answer is - time machine!

If you want to feel Tesla at all, go to your room. Turn off the lights and fans. Turn off the mobile phone. Shut down the computer by logging out of the internet. Turn off the TV and radio in the room. Now sit on the bed or chair in silence for 5 minutes with your eyes closed and think how are you feeling?

This is how our life would have been without Nikola Tesla! Nikola Tesla is therefore ‘The Dark Knight’ of the world of science to us.


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Written by
3 years ago


Definitely he is really a legend. We can't forget his achievement forever

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3 years ago