Fossil planet

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3 years ago


You were leaving for the sea. The more you come down from the hill, the more diverse the combination of green becomes. Want to finish the three hour journey a little faster ?? Then take the shortcut. Let's use the caves in the mountains.

This road goes straight down. After coming a little farther inside, the light on the outside is absolutely dim. The road is wet and slippery with rain water dripping from above. The good news is that you can roll down the slippery path. Will take you down in five minutes. If you don't have experience riding a rollercoaster, Pran eats mango juice and soaks his throat, because Hebby has to scream. Don't jump!


All the pigeons are coming here in groups. The place is like a botanical garden to them, everyone wants to be a little secluded. These arthropods are arachnids, arthropods. These are the first animals to land. Spiders and scorpions are their successors. The princess of this Arachnid dynasty is Arakni. He is also present here. Today will be the centenary of his love, happiness will be reunited. Today his joy knows no bounds.


That light can be seen. You are very excited to see the view outside. The bottom could not be seen well from the top of the hill, but Etuku realized that the land below was much greener. The road is about to end, the outside view is emerging. Your eyes are getting bigger. You stood at the end of the cave for about 5 seconds. There are big buildings standing outside. You remember Eric Daniken. Thinking about the matter, he stepped back four feet. The chest is throbbing. No! No! It can't be any way .. Who built this civilization ?? Which cosmic creature came and set up camp on the earth ?? You looked at the cave walls. Now push the second. Seeing the walls, so many hormones were secreted in one fell swoop that if you said yes, the heart would come out through your mouth. Someone or someone has painted a picture on the wall, a picture of lightning. Lightning flashes across part of the wall. Eric Daniken's idea is correct. Aliens came to the ancient world, they lived here.

Stop. There has been a lot of over-acting, it’s not your YouTube channel. The 5 feet wide and 26 feet high towers that can be seen outside are prototoxites. It is a fungus genus. They are members of the nematophyte group. There are 12 species of this genus. They are a bit of a strange type of creature, a fungus, but also some algae-like features. Their body structure is like a tube. The oldest member of this genus is Prototaxites honeggeri .. Take a good look, because this genus will be extinct before the end of Devonian.

And the lightning flashes you saw weren't murals, they were hyphae fungal. Haifa is a kind of structure. It looks like a sack that encloses with a drawstring.

Wiping the sweat from your forehead, you jumped up. He was a little surprised when the scene suddenly changed. Haters will say scared. Simply ignore them.


You are moving forward. It's morning and it's afternoon. The chest always throbs when walking on the side of high things. Batt, something is sticking to the feet. Many branches have come out from the main stem, the height will be about seven inches. These plants look like deciduous pepper plants. These are rhinophytes. Previous rhinophytes were much smaller, they started to grow. Secondary wood will appear in a few days. They will grow more, surpass everyone. The mind became better just thinking. Now start moving.

Oops! It's something that has fallen under one foot. Seeing the thing, Butt didn't understand anything. He rubbed his feet on the ground and started walking again. From a distance, Princess Erakni saw this scene and fell to the ground. You killed the princess's boyfriend. Death instead of death. Your photo was saved in Erakni's eyes. It will rot in carboniferous. He will come. Will definitely come. Will take revenge.

You are walking in your mind without knowing anything. Walking. wait a minute… You've been walking since morning but still haven't got the sea.


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Written by
3 years ago


very good

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3 years ago

Wonderful written kreply it doing brother

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3 years ago

stunning information so much interesting

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3 years ago