AA Dianosour Lawn

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3 years ago

'AA dinosaur lawn.

Black, green dinosaur lawn. (I don't remember what the color was saying, approximately) Baichcha Lawn. Ekadam 10 teha. AA dinosaur. 'I heard this sound in the street. I bought a green dinosaur from my father. This was my first dinosaur sighting. The back side is high. Looks pretty awful. But then I knew what the cheese? Later, thanks to Discovery, I found out that he is the biggest carnivore.

Let's talk a lot of contradictions, let's talk about work.

Spinoras were Cretaceous period animals that traversed North Africa 11.2 to 96 million years ago. Its size is about 41-59 feet long. The mass was about 8-23 tons. They used to move in both water bodies. However, recent fossils have revealed exciting information. According to scientists, these are the first dinosaurs that could swim on the ground. According to a recent study, their hind legs were small. They had flat duck-like legs, narrow mouths and angled teeth inside.

Placing with which fish could be easily caught.

There are basically two species of them. One is Egyptian, whose scientific name is Spinosaurus aegyptiacus. The other is found in Morocco, whose scientific name is Spinosaurus maroccanus.

The name Spinosaurus originates from the vertebrae on its back. Each one is about 8 feet in size (taller than the tallest man I've ever seen). This is called 'sail'. One thing that comes to mind here is why would an animal's have such a large extended part? There has been a lot of controversy in the scientific community. Many have come up with many hypotheses. Some suggest that it was used to maintain body temperature, while others declare it to be a source of fat. But scientist Ibrahim and his team prove these lies. They found that their cells were made up of densely connected bones and various blood vessels. According to scientist Ibrahim, it was used to inform him. This sail was the symbol of the king as it signified his kingdom. By this he would say that I am here, I will not let him go alive in the aisle. The main enemy was Spinosaurus, but they rarely met because they could not get away from the water. However, as a result, he had to walk on all fours to walk on the ground. They also often ate dead animals.

Since the Spinosaurs lived in Morocco and Egypt. Scientists estimate that a large number of spino fossils will be found in the Sahara Desert. The fossils of Spinosaurus were first found in Egypt in 1912, under the supervision of Ernest Stromer, a German scientist. But it was destroyed by a bombing in Munich during World War II. However, it is possible to retrieve some information from Stromer's notes. Although these dinosaurs are the largest carnivores, scientists speculate that they may not be able to cope with Tirex. Although they were not present in the same place at the same time.

This is the story of the largest carnivorous dinosaur.


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3 years ago


Great article. Keep write up bro

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