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Avatar for Issamshabbar
4 years ago

Language, ideology, and lifestyle function almost the same way in humans:

The (Wernicke) region of the brain receives the language .. We understand first as children or as adults about learning a new language, and in two dimensions it comes to the stage of using that language, which we actually understood from Broca's area, and we don't understand that we ride sentences and use.

● Ideology or beliefs at the first stage are our understanding of a certain new idea, so we love and adopt it, but as long as we talk about it a lot, often this meaning is not moved to the stage of actual application of the idea and its practical use, or it can not be applied but never or not completed.

When we reach the next stage, we are actually implementing this idea in our lives, and we no longer talk about it, transforming into something usual or obvious for us.

● On a journey of intellectual growth, he will continue to talk about many workings and ideas, and we must expect what he talks about most often, and their application is not sound!

There are times when it is possible for us to meet people who can tell us that they are hypocritical ..

For example: a man who does not have a tongue other than the woman and the female, the smooth speech communicated to her, and poetic works that you say: O Latif, my old man is gentle and responsible, but in a practical way I will see the chastisement of violence, insults and mockery of the treatment of the partner or any female close .. !!

A person is not necessarily a hypocrite. He may actually adopt these ideas, but understanding is one thing and comprehension is something else

● Adopting an idea and agreeing to it does not mean that I actually comprehended and worked according to a correct method in a practical way ... and that my subconscious followed my agreement with it!

On the other hand, it is possible to meet a person who appears superficial and does not suggest that he has adopted any idea or issue ... but in fact he will be interrupting a stage and a long way with ideas and uncle applying them in a practical way to the point of trying to show or say phrases in order to know about his condition in any new relationship, for example (I am a feminist I support homosexual issues, I am for a cliché offense violating the child ... etc.) I believe in the issues that you discover through his actions, discussions and spontaneous situations

• For such a person’s appearance in a simple and modest way, what he sells to me is that he is superficial or trivial, on the other hand.

● I learned this one, not only from watching my surroundings ... even from myself!

When I look at an existing person with an external observer and see the gap between what I am talking about and the one in his layer

Examples are many in life, as another example

To “learn to drive a car” the first thing he thinks is where and how and what he thinks about each behavior. When he is completely satisfied with these tasks, he thinks about them and turns to automatic action

● The same thing is dialectical ideas or culture and ideology

What is the principle that they understand and want to adopt and give a lot of talk about it? It is necessary to review our situation, especially if we talk a lot about it. Are we applying them properly and in practice ?! Because the answer will often be no.

Margin / Awareness walking in a spiral path ... We will continue to pass through ideas and repeat, but every time we will have a deeper understanding of it.

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Avatar for Issamshabbar
4 years ago
