Wonder Nuts

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4 years ago

Pili nuts are the world’s best kept secret ‘nut’, but that doesn’t mean they are loony at all! Native to the volcanic soils of Philippines, pili nuts are one of the most nutritious amongst all nuts. And these come with a host of benefits.

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A handful of nuts is an easy and healthy snack, but if you’re growing a bit tired of the same rotation of almonds, walnuts, cashews, and pistachios, enter the pili nut. Pili—pronounced “peeley”—is a distinctive, tear-shaped nut native to Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands. It’s here that roasted, fried, and sugared varieties of pili can be found for sale on nearly every street.

When consumed raw, pili nuts have a light flavor reminiscent of sunflower seeds. After roasting, they transform into decadent morsels with a chewy exterior that quickly yields into a melting, buttery texture evocative of plant-based foie gras. In Filipino cuisine, they are often added to cooking and baking in this roasted form, peppering dishes with a nuanced sweet bitter flavor and velvety texture.

If you are wondering what these benefits could be, then this is the ideal post for you to read.

PILI NUTS are derived from the Pili Tree, which usually grows up to 20 feet high, Pili Nuts or Canarium Ovatum, are native to the ocean regions of Southeast Asia. These nuts are consumed widely due to their high protein and nutrient content.

Benefits of Pili Nuts

1. Nutrient Rich Kernel

This is the most important product of the pili nut. The kernel is rich in manganese, potassium, calcium, fats, protein, and phosphorous. This makes pili nut one of the most nutrient-rich foods out there. The Kernel is used to create Pili Nut Kernel Oil, which is mooted to be healthier than olive oil. Pili Nut Kernel oil improves your lipid profile and is rich in antioxidants.

2. Promotes Heart Health

Pili Nuts are rich in heart-healthy omega fatty acids. In fact, pili nuts contain all the important omega fatty acids, which not only improve blood circulation, but also reduce the risk of you contracting cardiovascular disease.

3. Antioxidant

Pili nuts have antioxidant characteristics. They help maintain healthy blood sugar levels, promote muscle and tissue development, regulate energy and help the body purge damage-inducing free radicals. This characteristic makes pili nut an effective remedy for many of the aforementioned conditions.

4. Overcome Insomnia

Pili nuts can also help you overcome insomnia and other sleep deprived disorders. How? Well, pili nuts are rich in many essential minerals, and one of them is magnesium. They actually contain the highest magnesium content of any nut. This property makes pili nuts an excellent remedy for insomnia as magnesium treats the symptoms of insomnia and helps you sleep better at night.

5. Promotes Skin And Hair Health

Remember all those Vitamin E rich hair-oil advertisements? Even if you don’t, you might know that Vitamin E helps improve your skin and hair quality. Vitamin E helps protect your body against many conditions like cholesterol sediments, and even activates antioxidants.

6. Protein-Rich

There is a reason pili nuts are hailed as the world’s healthiest nuts. It is because they are more than simply rich in protein; they contain all the eight essential amino acids. Imagine replacing foods that only contain one or two amino acids, with one that boasts of all of them.

7. Prevents Tongue Inflammation

Folic acid or Vitamin B9 is one of the most essential B-vitamins out there. Tongue inflammation, or glossitis, isn’t a painful condition and is usually caused by a lack of folate in the diet. As Pili Nut is one of the richest sources of Vitamin B9, it helps prevent and even help cure glossitis. Thus, having Pili Nut is one of the best ways to maintain healthy folate levels.

So, now that you know the health benefits of Pili nuts, order your own bottle today. Pili Nuts are also available in chocolate coated versions. If you are health conscious and are looking for a healthy snack that keeps you full for a long time, then try pili nuts. You won’t be disappointed!

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4 years ago
