There is a lot of suffering in the world for those who love people with a simple mind.(Story)

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3 years ago

Tia came to the tent and put the chain on. Orna Guze is trying to stop her crying.

---- Why green ..? Why did I do that? Don't you understand me at all ..? Do you have any value in my feelings .. ?? Are we just friends ..? I love you from that class ten. Maybe not yet. Let's be good, you will be happy this time. Your happiness is all for me.

Behind the bungalow

Diya's hands and feet are trembling with fear. Because there are two lights standing in front of him. One is dressed in white and the other in an off white shirt + white pants + casual look.

---- Dujannanan ..?

Raushan came in front and put his hand on Diya's shoulder and moved away in fear.

---- Diyapakhi ,,, I am your Raushan. Are you afraid of me too .. ??

---- Don't come to me. Why are you two .. ?? Who are you ..?

Raushan holds Dia tightly to his chest.

---- And with my twin brother Roshan .. A jinn. And I can do everything for him.

On hearing the word Zvin, the ground shifted from under Dia's feet ,,, Raushan's brother Zvin ..? But is Raushan also a jinn ..? Raushan's strange behavior is the effect of being a jinn ..? Roshan said in a melodious voice,

Tia came to the tent and put the chain on. Orna Guze is trying to stop her crying.

---- Why green ..? Why did I do that? Don't you understand me at all ..? Do you have any value in my feelings .. ?? Are we just friends ..? I love you from that class ten. Maybe not yet. Let's be good, you will be happy this time. Your happiness is all for me.

Behind the bungalow

Diya's hands and feet are trembling with fear. Because there are two lights standing in front of him. One is dressed in white and the other in an off white shirt + white pants + casual look.

---- Dujannanan ..?

Raushan came in front and put his hand on Diya's shoulder and moved away in fear.

---- Diyapakhi ,,, I am your Raushan. Are you afraid of me too .. ??

---- Don't come to me. Why are you two .. ?? Who are you ..?

Raushan holds Dia tightly to his chest.

---- And with my twin brother Roshan .. A jinn. And I can do everything for him.

On hearing the word Zvin, the ground shifted from under Dia's feet ,,, Raushan's brother Zvin ..? But is Raushan also a jinn ..? Raushan's strange behavior is the effect of being a jinn ..? Roshan said in a melodious voice,

---- I want Diya Raushan. You give it to me.

With trembling. What will Raushan say ..? Will Raushan hand over Dia to Roshan ..?

---- How is that possible Raushan loves me. He won't let me go to anyone.

Raushan looked at Roshan with helpless eyes. Raushan has nothing to do with that. That night, when Rashni saw Roshan and Raush together, Roshan made it clear that if he did not obey Roshan, he would destroy everyone and destroy the Yarav family. But why .. ?? The reason is still unknown to Raushan and Rashni. On the other hand, Diya's head is spinning in fear, Diya fell on Raushan's chest. Raushan took Dia in his arms,

---- Talking to you later ,,, I have to fix Diyapakhi first.

---- I want Diya Raushan. You give it to me.

With trembling. What will Raushan say ..? Will Raushan hand over Dia to Roshan ..?

---- How is that possible Raushan loves me. He won't let me go to anyone.

Raushan looked at Roshan with helpless eyes. Raushan has nothing to do with that. That night, when Rashni saw Roshan and Raush together, Roshan made it clear that if he did not obey Roshan, he would destroy everyone and destroy the Yarav family. But why .. ?? The reason is still unknown to Raushan and Rashni. On the other hand, Diya's head is spinning in fear, Diya fell on Raushan's chest. Raushan took Dia in his arms,

---- Talking to you later ,,, I have to fix Diyapakhi first.

+next....coming soon...

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3 years ago
