🛑 You have to take corona vaccine every year,If you want to stay healthy.!😱

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2 years ago
Topics: COVID-19, Vaccine

Ugur Shahin, co-creator of Vaccine Pfizer and chief executive officer (CEO) of Bioentech, said that corona vaccination may be needed every year to stay healthy in the face of the corona epidemic. Especially those who are getting Pfizer vaccine, they may have to get vaccinated every year.

Ugur Shahin made the remarks in an interview with Russian media RT on Sunday (November 21st). In the interview, Ugur Shahin praised Pfizer's booster dose.

Ugur Shahin and Ozlem Turesi, a Muslim German couple of Turkish descent, founded their own pharmaceutical company, Bioentech, in 2006. To prevent coronavirus, the German company developed the first corona vaccine, Pfizer-Bioentech, in collaboration with the US drug company Pfizer.

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In an interview with the German newspaper Bild on Sunday, the CEO of Bioentech said that he considered the vaccine to be "very effective" in preventing coronaviruses.

Many are infected with the virus after receiving the corona vaccine. Ugur Shaheen said that even after taking the full dose of Pfizer vaccine, many people showed symptoms of corona in their body.

In his words, a booster dose not only boosts the human body's immune system, but also helps to break the chain of infection. He urged the doctors to be as practical as possible to bring more people under the vaccine.

Ugur Shaheen believes that in the future, people may need to take a ticker booster dose once a year to stay safe from coronavirus. According to him, he expects the booster dose to be safer than the initial two doses of Corona Ticker.

He says the corona vaccine may need to be given once a year, just like influenza.

Earlier in August, Oxford University reported that Pfizer-Bioentech corona vaccines lost their effectiveness faster than Oxford-AstraZeneca.

The research team at Oxford University came to this conclusion after examining 3 lakh volunteers who have completed the dose of Corona Ticker. All of the volunteers were over 18 years of age and the research team analyzed the data by dividing them all into two groups.

Pfizer-Bioentech claims that their vaccines against coronavirus are 94 percent effective in humans, while Oxford-AstraZeneca claims that their vaccines are more than 75 percent effective in humans.

Pfizer-Bioentech and Oxford-AstraZeneca in ongoing immunization activities around the world; These two corona vaccines are being used more. However, in some countries, including Israel, the United States, and Germany, citizens who receive two doses of the vaccine are being given a third or booster dose to ensure protection against the highly contagious type of corona delta infection.

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2 years ago
Topics: COVID-19, Vaccine
