Greatest wealth is your health
We all have the ability to make choices and take action to live healthier lives. See the healthy choice of eating a breakfast meal in a bowl with yogurt, fruit, flax seeds, nuts and honey. Those eight ingredients are probably in your kitchen now, and in your refrigerator or freezer. The delicious choice you can make every day is to bring it together and eat it as a meal. You can make that choice, too.
Money and wealth are useful tools to serve our own end. We can use this money to help others, and we can use wealth to help ourselves. Not all of us will be able to become tycoons, but we all have a choice in how much of ourselves we put into our work and how we define success for ourselves personally.
I believe that the greatest wealth a man can accumulate is his health. Health is not only the greatest wealth, but it is also its greatest asset. Our bodies are our greatest currency, and when we can improve the quality of our health and longevity, it is a direct multiplier to our ability to accumulate wealth.
Health is wealth. We’ve been accepting this axiom for years, but only now are we beginning to understand it. Our bodies are our greatest currency, and when we can improve the quality of our health and longevity, it is a direct multiplier to our ability to accumulate wealth. Money can not buy life.
You said that right! You need to have a solid foundation to build your empire upon. You need to be healthy to have the energy and the capacity to create, imagine and execute an elaborate plan. And you need to have good health before you can pass it on to those you love.
Compare your life to the average person, and you will be embarrassed. The average person watches too much television and spends way too much time on their phones and computers. Here is a typical day most people live. Wake up, go to work or school while they eat fast food. Then go home to watch another two hours of TV. At night lay in bed, staring at their phone, playing games or getting on their computers to check email or Facebook.
Once they go to sleep, they are often chronic snorers and sleep, apnoea sufferers. They sleep with their mouth open, so they require a mouth guard to keep their teeth from grinding down over time. Since they sleep with their mouth open, they produce more saliva which drips down into their throat so they wake up with a sore throat most days. Their diet is so bad that they suffer from acid reflux and get winded easily from the extra weight.
A year ago, I was overweight and sick. My blood pressure was high and my blood sugar was out of control. My doctor informed me that I would be a prime candidate for diabetes within a few years if I did not change my diet and lifestyle. He informed me that the only way to change my health problems was to commit to a healthier lifestyle regime, consisting of a better diet as well as exercise and weight loss.
Fortunately, I had been in the construction business for over fifteen years at that point, so I was pretty comfortable with measuring and cutting wood, which is exactly what I needed to do in order to lose weight and get into better shape.
We need to take good care of our health by doing the right thing and most importantly eating good diet that will aid our good health.