One king and the seed of a tree

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3 years ago

In one country there was a mighty king. The king was as powerful as he was moral. One day the king called his courtiers and said, I am old now I need to choose a new king as my successor. Everyone in the court was shocked to hear this. All the members of the court said, "King, if you say his name, we will be obedient to him." The king said, that is the problem. Whose name should I say, I don't see anyone like me. Hearing this, all the members of the House were surprised again. They wonder why the king doesn't see anyone like him when he has so many children. Suddenly the king ordered the courtiers to bring all the teenage boys in the kingdom to the court. As usual, all the teenagers of the state were produced one day. The king announced the purpose of all the teenagers, listen baby I am old. I want one of you to take over as king of the kingdom. But how can I know which of you is worthy to be king? I called you here to find out. All the teenagers are very happy to hear this announcement. Everyone started dreaming that he was going to be the king of this kingdom. This time the king announced in a solemn voice, I will test you so that I can understand which of you is qualified to be king. The children were all delighted. It's not a problem. This time the king gave each of the young boys a tree seed, and announced that you would take the seed and put it in a tub at home. Take care of it, then after a year you will come back to this court with whatever you get from this seed. Then I will consider your case and make a decision. The teenage boy and his parents returned home with the seeds in their hands. All the members of the assembly were disappointed as they could not understand the matter. What's the matter

Link to the name of one of these teenage boys. Like everyone else, Link also brought seeds and sowed the seeds in a tub at home. Link's Mao Link began to cooperate in every way to grow the tree. Link gives water every day. The next day he went to school and talked to other friends about their seeds. 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 2 months and 6 months have passed in this way. Link got quite worried. Link’s mother began to comfort Link that maybe it would take time for her seeds to sprout. Link also thought so and began to cultivate the seeds patiently. Link was almost disappointed to hear stories about their tree from friends at school every day. Link doesn't tell friends about his seed. Thus the year passed but no more trees grew from the seeds of the link. Then again a year later the king called them. All of them came to the royal court with their beautiful large flowers and ornamental trees. Link refuses to take his empty tub. Even then he took it at his mother's request. All the friends smiled when they saw the empty tub of the link. Someone teased. But Link was afraid to hide his empty tub behind one of the pillars of the court so that the king could not see him. When the king came to the court, he was fascinated by the flowers and the trees. The king gave all the teenage boys a lot of encouragement. The king said, "You have taken good care of your trees." What beautiful flowers and fruits in it. I'm fascinated. Saying this, the king looked around and saw the link standing next to the pillar. The king asked, "Why are you hiding there?" Come out. What's wrong with you Link saw he couldn't escape the king's gaze.

So he slowly took his empty tub and stood in front of the king. The link with the dry face was quite crowded. The king asked him what is your name? He replied, "My name is linked to Ajne." The king examined Link's tub very accurately and pulled the seed out of the bottom of the tub. Seeing this, everyone in the court burst into laughter. The king himself burst out laughing. Seeing everyone's smiles, Link and his mother felt humiliated and became more crowded. This time the king spoke in a very serious voice, I am fascinated and overwhelmed by your care of the trees. But I gave you all the boiled seed from which no kind of tree is to grow. But you changed that seed and planted a good seed. But this link is the real thing. So I see the link is truthful and has a moral character. And to be a king you need a man of moral character and truthfulness. With that in mind, I chose Link as my next king

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Avatar for Iqbal7230
3 years ago


Excellentcounty and his area is best

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3 years ago

Good post

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3 years ago

Amazing post

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3 years ago


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3 years ago

Wow so nice

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3 years ago

Yeah so nice

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3 years ago

Very well written will post more like this

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3 years ago

Nice post

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3 years ago

love you bhai plz amar tau linke commentkora daw

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3 years ago

Very nice story. I love this so much. Thank you for share

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3 years ago

By reading this article we can learn about the livelihood of a king & his works. This is very helpful

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Amazing. .

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3 years ago


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3 years ago


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3 years ago

Nice Please comment my post.

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3 years ago

WOW,, that's great article.. I like an article

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3 years ago

Thanks brother

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3 years ago