There is a famous story. Some may have heard. The story is about four cows Three black, one white 6 They lived in a swampy area For this reason, they lived together for security reasons and kept a close eye on each other As a result, they survived One day three black people came together and said we will be caught for this white cow Because we are black, the enemy cannot see us at night, but can see him Let's abandon that cow Then the three of us will be together Work as you say From that day on, the black cows boycotted the white ones, with three on one side and the poor white cows on the other. The wolf noticed the discrepancy between the cows and jumped on the white cow. When the wolf was eating the meat of the white cow, the black cows did not stop him They looked and saw their brother being torn to pieces The next night the wolves attacked the black cows because they had lost their strength So the wolf was able to snatch a black cow The next night the task became easier for the wolves, as there were only two cows The wolf ate another cow very easily Last night there were only one cow left The cow ran from side to side in fear. But he has no helper The wolf realized that the cow would run and fall at once, so he began to walk with joy in his mind. At the right time, he jumped on the cow At the last moment of his life, the cow said one thing, very instructive He said, I became food on the day the white cow was eaten. That is, the cow realized that the day she did not help the white cow was the day she signed her death contract
Interesting story