A bite came to a lion and he hurried very hard. What is your strength? You can scratch with your nails, you can bite with your teeth - what happened? Again, he says, listen, if you think about all aspects, my strength is much more than you. If there is any doubt, come, fight, let's see who wins. ”
Saying this, the bark made a croaking noise, jumped on the lion and pierced the tip of his nose. As he tried to kill the lion bite with his claws, he wounded himself with his own nails and became very weak. Dansh thus won the battle with the lion and roared away singing the victory song. But he didn't go very far, he went straight and got entangled in a spider's web nearby. After a while, it went into the spider's stomach. At the time of his death, Danshta cursed his fate and said, "Sadly, I ended up with a trivial spider that easily lost a mighty beast like a lion."
Lessons from the story:
Ancient Proverbs: The least feared became the most feared.