BTC Analysis; Crypto Analysis; Crypto To The Moon Series. #60

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2 years ago

DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor nor certified analyst. All contents discussed on this blogpost are solely my own personal views and for Trading education/entertainment purposes only . Do your own research and due diligence.

With that being said, let's get into it;

BTC 2h Timeframe

BTC 2h Timeframe

Upon the use of 2h Timeframe, it's quiet obvious that the price of BTC will be increased initially even as I successfully spot a support zone which will probably increase the price of BTC maybe for a relatively short period of time though since we're on the 2h timeframe. Although, let's go on with the analysis to get more information, shall we..

BTC 4h Timeframe

BTC 4h Timeframe

Upon using the 4h timeframe, we're currently able to see a bullish movementmovement or increase in price taking place after a retest on a support zone.

Although after the increase in price, we eventually reached a possible resistance zone which could eventually lead to a bearish movement if it happens to have affect on the price movement. But for now we're still bullish.

A successful continuation on this bullish path and we'll break the resistance zone and furthermore have even more higher potential for a better bullish (increase in price movement).

BTC 1D Timeframe

BTC 1D Timeframe

Moving on toa larger timeframe, on the 1D Timeframe we're left with an already retested support zone which lead to an increase in price.

As of making this analysis, we're still stuck up at the resistance zone as a break out to a bullish path will certainly help, a retest on the resist zone could also lead to a bearish movement.

Hopefully we go the Bullish though but if there's eventually a drop in price, we might just be landing at $39,200 respectively as it is, there's a key level at that point which acts as a support zone. Support zones support increase in price while Resistance zone support a decrease in price.

Well, I think that's it for now, Please don't feel shy to leave a comment on the comment section:)

Buy Wojak A Coffee 🔽

Until Next Time, Peace.

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Have a nice Day.

$ 1.84
$ 1.84 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for InvestorOmar
2 years ago


You're always welcome sir @MarcFranklins. I like your investing mindset.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Well done @investoromar. Hopefully there's gonna be an increase in price soon. If not, I'll try to get more Btc for the meantime.

$ 0.01
2 years ago