I’m 21 and my dad makes me pay for everything. It’s so unfair. What do I do?

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3 years ago

I’m 21 and my dad makes me pay for everything. It’s so unfair. What do I do? None of my friends have to pay for anything and their parents all support them.


At 21 you should be paying for all your bills which includes rent even if you live at home. The only caveat to this is if you are studying full time then I do think parents should give some leeway here. It can be difficult to both work and study.

But besides that, yes you should be paying rent, your portion of the bills, the food you eat, you car including fuel, servicing and registration and any other thing you want in your life (such as a phone or Netflix).

That is a perfectly reasonable expectation for an adult who has no disability, ailment or illness that affects their capacity to work.

You pointing to your friends and saying it's unfair your parents don't hold those expectations is a child’s argument. Is termed whataboutism. It's not actually a logical argument. This is not how adults negotiate.

It does not matter what expectations other people at 21 have from their parents. None. You aren't them and your parents aren't their parents. The only thing that is relevant here is you, your parents and what they are willing or not willing to fund. There is absolutely no obligation for them to follow anyone else's plan with finances. Your parents obligation to provide for you end once you turn 18. Anything more than that is optional.

At the end of the day life is unfair. Stuff happens. You don't always get it easy. A child complains about it and gets caught up in their own pity party. And adult looks at what they are responsible for, being themselves, and does something about it.

If you want a better outcome then you need to take responsibility for what is yours (which includes your expenses), taking ownership of them, listen to what your parents have to say and be willing to negotiate.

That is if you take on more household responsibility would they be willing to reduce the rent you pay? If you consider studying will they consider supporting you financially? If you have a budget and savings goal are the willing to cut you some slack to achieve this? Negotiate.

If you don't like the outcome then you can leave. That's the freedom you have an an adult.

And if by 'everything' youn literally mean everything, not only your share but also that of your parents, then I suggest you do your research and find out if moving out of a better financial deal for you. If it is then move out.

Most adults have to pay for their own bills and expenses. Not having to is a luxury.

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3 years ago
