**Analysis of unfaithful men

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Studies claim that unfaithful men have a lower IQ.

Is this true or false? According to the London School of Economics, the London School of Economics conducted a study in which they evaluated unfaithful men, but from a different perspective. As a result, they found that they have a lower IQ.

It should be noted that this result is based on the London population. In the article published by the journal Social Psychology Quarterly, psychologist Satoshi Kanazawa, who conducted the study. He argues that fidelity has a direct relationship with intellect or intelligence, but is inversely proportional for unfaithful men.

So the results of the cases studied show that the subjects who were more inclined to cheat had lower coefficients.

The study indicates that ''monogamy is a result of the evolution of humans, so those who respect this arrangement are more aware of their affective responsibilities''.

Dr Kanazawa says that primitive man was promiscuous, so more intelligent people adopt new practices and behaviours, which makes them more ''evolved''. Finally, the psychologist pointed out that the study does not apply to women as they have always been mostly monogamous.

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