Is It Now or Later?

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2 years ago

Understanding the power of the above is worth the times. A lot has gone wrong with people missing their place in Life.

Aspirations can turn to desperation when you pull the trigger off the hook. Take it easy, it will sure work!

Until you fix seasons, you won't be able to fix your issues. Life is in seasons and care must be taken to sit properly in destiny.

God's visitation is in seasons and understanding is key. Many troubled people have exited life even when there were close to their miracles. Don't jump the gun when you aren't aware when God's plan is planned to play out.

You can be in your time but not your turn yet so what's expected of you is to 'WAIT'

Waiting is one powerful virtue everyone should desire from God. In the season of waiting, nothing seems to be OK but the end always comes out in glory.

Wait and Wait and Wait again because your strength is been renewed through the process. Your visitation may be now and yours later and vice versa so, there won't be any need for envy or jealousy or even any form of mockery.

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Without realizing the season and times allotted to our visitations, many lose control and from there' things actually go wrong.

If you need help' wait

If you need divine visitation' wait

If you need a spouse' wait

If you need the good of life' wait.

Waiting is a workshop of training

Waiting is putting the right switch on

Waiting prepares you for a solid testimony

Waiting makes you very strong

Waiting causes your strength renewed

Waiting is helping you gain momentum.

The fact you are asked to wait, doesn’t mean you will be idle. It doesn’t go on to mean that you will fold your hands and wait for some kind of manna to fall from above before you strike for success.

Roll up your sleeves and get to work while waiting. If you don’t have little patience, like a minute patience for anything, then you are in for a great deal disappointment and disappointment have an annoying way of snowballing into depression and depression in several cases result into suicide.

Have the belief that you are closer to hitting it big. Just ensure that you are not panting by working so hard but also working so smart, pushing the right buttons every step of the way. Impatience has proven countless times to be detrimental in all facets of life.

An impatient parent might end up crushing the spirit of his or her child. Such child might grow so far away from home as far as they wouldn’t hear the constant nagging/verbal abuse from their so called loving parents.

That business niche you have chosen is still sitting on the fence. This is because you haven’t given that niche of yours the breath of fresh air, the patience to materialize. Don’t mistake this for procrastination please.

Procrastination in essence is putting off till tomorrow what you can actually do today. That means you are not doing anything at all. Some people are confident going to church daily and praying to God for blessings especially financial blessings, but putting in the effort required to succeed in their business.

They are constantly and subconsciously doing the right thing at the wrong time. It is unwise to be in church during active working hours. Your potential customers will just look the way of your competitors or better put people doing same business like you.

If you can WAIT, you cannot WASTE

It's now or LATER but God cannot LIE.

Just WAIT. . . You will gain WEIGHT in LIFE.

Thanks for reading!

See you on the next one.

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2 years ago
