How Are You Gearing Up Towards 2022?

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2 years ago

"We are already drawing up a litany of things that we intend to accomplish in 2022."

First off let me start by wishing y’all compliments of the season. Please, take enough rest, take care of yourself, hang out with friends and families and enjoy the rest of the year.

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Don’t feel intimated out there by the many show-offs of luxury by people in your immediate neighborhood. Be contented with what you have and enjoy it with the profound peace of your mind.

It may interest you to know that some of these guys showing off actually borrowed money to do so. You may ask that why in Santa Claus’s name anyone would anyone borrow money to impress people? It really happens. Well, not everyone reason in the same way.

After the razzmatazz of the whole festive season, these people will be hugely indebted, and biting their fingers stressing their brains on ways to repay their mountain-top loans.

Some people will drink massive amounts of alcohol, get drunk and get behind the wheels of their vehicles only to be found lifeless underneath a stationery truck. Some lovebirds will get so intimate having no intention or good financial background in raising a child but eventually bring a child to the world months later.

So it is always advisable to celebrate wisely not just in December but also at other times.

Now, back to the main topic of this article today, how are you gearing up for 2022?

As we approach a new year, people are now remembering the traditional NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS that has been in vogue since time immemorial. We are already drawing up a litany of things that we intend to accomplish in 2022.

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Recently, I tried to introduce a friend to a business opportunity to a friend and he cut me short before I could even finish the first sentence to tell me that the year 2021 is practically over and so all business whatever is put on hold.

He was like, anything business will resume next year.

He is just interested in partying to the very end of the last few days of 2021. What a man! LOL!

It is good to have New Year resolutions but it is best to follow it through diligently till the end.

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Here is what I know for sure:

There is no special anointing that falls on people on 1st January... You will be the same person in 2022.

Same heads, same hands and same everything. Don’t wait for New Year before you start taking a new direction. Start today!

You don’t create your future, you create your daily habits and your daily habits in turn create your future effortlessly.

Pray and commit the year into Gods hands if you want to, but don’t fold your hands and expect some kind of manna to fall from above right into your hands for you to grab. You just have to walk the talk.

So if there's one thing you should resolve to do for yourself, business and all that concerns you in the coming year, it is gaining KNOWLEDGE.

Strive to gain the right and accurate knowledge.

Do you already know about this?

Then go and learn more until you gain mastery.

And when you have reached that master level, stretch yourself a little bit more because learning never ends. Innovations are springing up daily in various sectors. So to be ahead, learn more in your niche.

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The coming year is for those who would ditch their comfort zone at all cost, embrace new knowledge, possibilities, and scale ruthlessly.

I placed emphasis on comfort zone because I have realized that people gets so lazy and procrastinate a lot because the bulk of their time is spent in their comfort zone.

I remember always telling people that if you truly want something, go out there and get it. It is really a good mantra. You should tell yourself this mantra daily in front of your wall mirror.

This is self-re-affirmation. If your business is 100% online, then you can resist the urge to work in your room always. Get an office outside home to avoid unnecessary distractions and place straight-hot focus on your work and as you do so success is guaranteed.

I wish a prosperous new year in advance. I love you all.

Thanks for reading!

See you on the next one!

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