Dear Charis And Charissa

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2 years ago
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Watching both of you grow is one of the best experience life offers me and I'm grateful.

As you engage the world and all its element i want to remind you of how important it is to be discreet and discerning in how you interact with this cosmos.

In this letter i speak as regards social media and the internet. The emergence of these tools has brought about unprecedented achievements and growth for humanity but also it has become a tool of mass destruction based on how some have decided to use it.

On social media everyone shares their opinions and beliefs. I may not be aware of what you read or watch online but i know that i have shown you the truth and you know the truth as a person (Jesus) and His spirit lives in you. He of course will surely guide you into all the truth you yearn for.

Learn to guard your heart with all diligence because your life takes the state of your heart.

Don't be bullied into feeding on lies and peoples experiences that are not consistent with the scriptures. 

There are many books but spend more time with the scriptures.

There are tweets and trends but learn to do the will of God.

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In essence, it’s just about promoting good deeds on social media that is supposed to the best practice. It is not news that most of the violence we see today are incited through social media. 

Many premeditated murders were orchestrated through chatting apps for instance. Children don’t bother their parents about questions they are most curious to know the answer to. They either go to search engines to check or they get the answers from either their friends or total strangers on social media and in most cases, they get the sinister answers.

That’s why as a parent, you ought to do your best to equip your children with the right information at all times.

Don’t dodge their questions! Your kids are growing and so many things will pose as a puzzle to them and they will need clarifications to solve the puzzle staring at them in the face.

Truth is, if you don’t give them the answer, they will get a wrong answer outside that might lead them astray. Endeavor to also put parental guidance control on your children’s devices. Ultimately, bring them up in the ways of the lord. Let them have the fear of God in them.

Social media is good, but it is not a prerequisite to live well. Before the advent of social media, life was on, people were feeding, people were getting educated, people were giving birth, people were getting married, people were doing businesses, people were living in a just way etc.

Though social media improved so many things like for instance, if you traveled on a long distance journey for weeks or months, social media helps you connect with your loved ones especially through video calls on messaging apps. This is a big improvement from the old means of communication, which is through letter writing.

You see that it is a great tool for communication, however it cannot live person to person communications.   

Living right in this world isn't easy but it is possible. If you fall rise again. When you make mistakes run back to God. He is more willing to help you than you are willing to be helped.

You can forward this piece to your siblings, nephews and nieces when they come of age so that they won’t fall victims to social media addiction just like many people out there. As you do so, you play your part in their grooming to become better in their families and society at large.

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Thanks for reading!

I love you.

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2 years ago
Topics: Facts, Growth, Analysis, Tips, Truth, ...
