Are We Really Living Or Existing

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1 month ago
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Understanding the details of what it entails to live or exist.

In the travails of our everyday life, it's very easy to get caught up in the routine of our existence. These routines as we are familiar with includes; wake up, go to work, come home, sleep and then we repeat. Day in and day out, we find ourselves going through the motions without truly stopping to ask: Are we really living or are we merely existing?

Living and existing usually may seem like interchangeable terms, but they couldn't be more different in essence. Living, in its entirety is about embracing each moment with purpose, passion, and presence. It's about feeling alive, connected, and engaged with the world around us. Existing, on the other hand, is simply going through the motions without any real sense of fulfillment or meaning.

So, how can we distinguish between the two? It all comes down to mindset and intentionality.

Living is about being present in the moment, fully immersing ourselves in whatever we're doing. Whether it's savoring a delicious meal, spending quality time with loved ones, or pursuing our passions, living means embracing each experience with open arms and an open heart.

Existing, on the other hand, often involves mindlessly going through the motions, simply trying to get through the day without any real sense of purpose or joy. It's like being on autopilot, where days blur together and life passes us by without leaving a lasting impression.

But why do so many of us find ourselves merely existing instead of truly living? The answer lies in the pressures and expectations of society, the fear of stepping out of our comfort zones, and the relentless pursuit of material success at the expense of our own well-being. The daily fight just to be perfect and impress others even to our own detriment. Ouch! So much so for being a human being. Isn’t it?

In a world that values productivity over presence and busyness over balance, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters. We get so caught up in the pursuit of external achievements that we forget to nurture our internal world – our relationships, our passions, and our sense of purpose.

But it's never too late to shift our mindset and start truly living. It starts with slowing down, taking a step back, and reassessing our priorities. Instead of chasing after the next promotion or paycheck, let's focus on cultivating meaningful connections, pursuing our passions, and finding joy in the simple moments of everyday life.

Living is about embracing the full spectrum of human experience – the highs and the lows, the triumphs and the challenges. It's about embracing vulnerability, taking risks, and embracing the unknown with open arms.

It's also about being true to ourselves and living in alignment with our values and beliefs. When we live authentically, we're able to tap into a deeper sense of fulfillment and satisfaction that goes beyond material success or external validation.

So, how can we start living more and existing less? It begins with self-awareness and intentionality. Take the time to reflect on what truly brings you joy and fulfillment, and make a conscious effort to prioritize those things in your life.

Whether it's spending more time in nature, pursuing a creative passion, or cultivating deeper connections with loved ones, find ways to infuse your life with meaning and purpose.

It's also important to let go of the need for perfection and embrace the messiness of life. Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns, bumps and bruises but it's in those moments of vulnerability and imperfection that we often find the greatest growth and connection. It is in those imperfect moments that we find our potential, our inner strength and somebodiness

Ultimately, the choice to live fully is ours to make. It's about embracing each day as a gift, cherishing the present moment, and approaching life with curiosity, gratitude, and an open heart.

The distinction between existence and living struck me so hard when I visited a childhood friend in the hospital in the final hours of his life. He had a terminal illness with only hours left to live. When he saw me, he was so happy.

Before he breathed his last, he drew me close and said to me that his only regret was NOT PURSUING A CAREER IN MUSIC, he was a good songwriter, composer and lyricist that unfortunately never made it materialized. He only got a 9-5 job and introverted. He told me to follow my passion and advise everyone to. Continue to rest on dear friend.

So, I challenge you to ask yourself: Are you really living or are you just existing? And if you find that you're merely going through the motions, remember that it's never too late to start living a life that truly lights you up from the inside out. Thanks for reading my piece.

Till I come your way next time, Stay blessed out there and resourceful. Peace, Love and Light.

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1 month ago
Topics: Life, Blog, Writing, Experiences, Story, ...
