Jesus a Wonderful Friend

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We have friends. We have close friends. We lose friends in many ways besides death. Someone observed that we can count our true friends on one hand. That may be true for many. Having a true friend is rarer than we think. The Bible tells us that the Lord Jesus Christ is a true friend, one who sticks closer than a brother. Let me use the letters of friendto show ways He is a friend like that.

I. He is faithful (1Jn 1:9).

II. He is our Redeemer(Job 19:25).

III. He is interested in us (Php 4:6).

IV. He is emphatic (Heb 4:15).

V. He is near (Heb 13:5).

VI. He is our deliverer (2Sa 22:2; Psa 18:2).

Conclusion: There are many other things about Jesus that make Him a very special friend, but do you know Him as not only a friend but as your Saviour? Knowing Him as Saviour makes Him the greatest friend of all!

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Yes. Jesus is the True Friend

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3 years ago

jesus truly is a true and faithfull friend

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3 years ago

Jesus are best friend, He protect us. He bless us. He provide for us. He take good care of us. He lead us true and promise us that we will be with Him in is kingdom.

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3 years ago

Truly Jesus can be our friends, He is present in times of troubles and He always live in our heart when we let Him to enter in it. Thank you friend for this one. I hope many people can read.

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3 years ago