Part 3...(with draw)

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Avatar for Ikph224
3 years ago

Now... After that you will receive option....

Of write money....

If you have 0.51 dollars... Then you will write 0.50

Because they will deduct fee of 0.01 on 0.5$

If its 1.5$ their fee will be 0.02

I hope you get it.....

Now click on transaction.....


Money will be transfered instantly.

Now money is in the your cash mall account in pkr. Now

Choose method of with draw.

Clivk on it and choose one which you want.

Offcourse jazz cash or easy passa is there.

After that one you confirmed the method of withdrawal...

Here done......

1.If you want instant cash then your 1%will deducted.

2.if you don't need instant transaction then choose normal......

It will be transferred to you easy pasa or jazz cash... In 12 hrs or up to 24 hrs....

I hope you people get it....

God bless you all.



any problem then mention in the comments.

And don't forget to make account by this link which i provided you of cash mall

$ 0.00
Sponsors of Ikph224
Avatar for Ikph224
3 years ago


Wow Its really amazing and i appreciate your efforts of guaiding us

$ 0.00
3 years ago