8 Quick Money-Making Ideas

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Avatar for Ijewrites
2 years ago

If you're at college or simply have a bad job that leaves you barely scraping by each month, here are a few things I've done to get by:

1. If you're anything like me, you probably have a closet full of clothes you haven't worn since freshman year of high school but convince yourself you should keep because " a day will come when you will need it" Plato's Closet is a great place to go if you need money right away. Clothing, shoes, and purses are accepted as long as they are still fashionable and in good condition (so no holes, rips, or stains).

2. If you don't mind waiting, try Mercari. I've sold clothes, shoes, books, phone covers, purses, jewelry, and makeup things I've never used on this app. You establish your own rates and are likely to get a better deal than if you brought them to Plato's Closet. The disadvantage is that it is not always a sure thing to sell, and even if it does, it could take anything from a few hours to a few months to find a buyer. However, the higher the picture quality, the more likely it is to sell.

3. Try Wag if you have the time and are an animal lover. Wag is a website/app where you may sign up to walk dogs. The only requirements are a positive attitude, a rudimentary understanding of animals, and the ability to walk for long periods of time. It's simple money and excellent exercise!

4. Try Care.com if you enjoy working with children or animals, or if you're looking for other small jobs. You'll be matched with people looking for nannies (full and part-time), babysitters, animal sitters and walkers, grocery delivery, moving assistance, and other odd jobs to make ends meet. If you want to gain a more serious job, such as a nanny, get your family and friends to write positive recommendations for you, and people will be more willing to hire you. The nicest aspect is that you can see how much someone will pay you before you start working, and you can work as little or as much as you like.

5. If you have any gold jewelry that you do not use, consider selling it. Websites will send you free prepaid labels and then provide you with a quote as soon as they receive them. If you don't think what they're offering is sufficient, you can decline and they'll return it to you. If you require cash immediately, visit one of the businesses. I've always gotten fantastic bargains, and the money comes in quickly.

6. Try selling any old electronics you have. Even if your phone or tablet isn't working, Gazelle will take it. The procedure is pretty similar to selling gold on the internet. The more money you get, the better condition your belongings are in.

7. You can sell old books or college textbooks from previous semesters online if you no longer read them. It's fantastic to get your money back on those $200 history textbooks you'll never use.

8. In the past, I would do everything in my power to avoid receiving coins and would rather throw them away than keep them in my purse. I recently gathered all of the coins in my car and handbag and began putting them away. I now have over $100 in pennies stored up, ready to be cashed in the next time I need a little extra cash.

And if you still can't afford to pay your rent after all of this, you'll need to find a new employment.

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @Talon
Avatar for Ijewrites
2 years ago
