INFJ The Rarest Personality Type🌠

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3 years ago

Here's how to know if You are Among the INFJ's, the Rarest Personality Type in the World.

What is an INFJ Personality Type?

An INFJ Personality Type is one of the Rarest, or is in fact Considered at some point to be the Rarest Type of Human Personality in the World. These Personality Type makes up only about 1% of the Worlds Population. The people that have this Personality Type Tend to have very Unique Characteristics that help them stand out from other individuals. They can be very Mysterious and Emotionally Intelligent. This article is going to help You with the help of some traits and Characteristics, to know if You are an INFJ.

Now the full meaning of the INFJ Abbreviation is: Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judgement.

Definition and Explanation of the INFJ Personality Type Key:

  • Introversion: INFJ's have the  tendency of being extreme Introverts, Meaning they are very shy in Nature and not really meant for the Crowd.

  • Intuition: INFJ's always tend to want to know more and have more Understanding on Everything that happens or happened in their lives, Meaning they are very Sensitive to Everything that Happens During their Lifetime, and they always tend to Think o f ways to Constantly Improve themselves in every Possible way. They also tend to depend on their "Gut" feeling in order words called Intuition.

  • Feeling: INFJ's tend to be express deep feelings and Emotions to others, Meaning they are Highly Compassionate in Nature.

  • Judgment: INFJ's are Highly Judgemental in Nature, and it is due to their lack of trust. They can Judge anyone Regardless of that Persons Worth in their Lives.

To know You are an INFJ, Here are 12 Signs, Traits and Characteristics to Prove You are:

  • INFJ's are Goal Focused; 

     INFJ's work hard to achieve good results in any task they are given, they do not like distractions, they are strong and  goal oriented. They will do anything to achieve a goal with their current skills and source.

  • INFJ's Have Strong Sence of Independence;

    INFJ's are mainly known for their tendency of being Independent. They can Survive without the help of people although they still need friends and family, they can go alone if they feel it's the best for them. Because they are so focused on their goals, they don't like to be dependent on others to make decisions. They will do things on their own if they feel it's the best for them.

  • INFJ's Live to Fight Another Day:

  INFJ's are Independent and strong to deal with problems daily. They are in control of what they are doing, they are fighters.

  • INFJ's are Great Thinkers:

Always expect high level thinking and analysis from the INFJ's. They usually Love Educational Shows, they are Sharp Thinkers and often come up with something out of the Box.

  • INFJ's are Always Curious;

INFJ's like the unknown and want to know them all. INFJ's don't easily believe in statements and want to prove it themselves through Research. They want to burst Myths and discover the reason behind Superstitious beliefs.

  • INFJ's are Filled with Emotions:

INFJ's may always seem to be cal , but they can also be hyper active or be in a Subbing Mess. They are not afraid to say what they are feeling. People always tend to know when an INFJ is Sad, Happy, and Excited.

  • INFJ's are Funny and Witty: 

INFJ's are able to comment to a statement without holding back, they can also be Hilarious.

  • INFJ's Have Close Friends and More of them:

Hold on, I know you could be thinking right now Saying... "but I thought they are introverts?". Well yes they are, but it's only that people are attached to them a lot. They are are attracted to the way they Talk, Look, Behave etc. People find the INFJ's Charming. The INFJ's value Creating long Lasting Relationships with People.

  • INFJ's are Strong Listeners;

The INFJ's can get you to open up by asking questions, but they hardly speak anything about themselves. They are Empathetic Listeners and get to feel the person they are talking to. They are Good Counselors and Advisers.

  • INFJ's are highly Secretive in Nature

  • INFJ's tend to Desire Perfection in Everything.

  • INFJ's often tend to develop Mood Swings.


Want to know more about Yourself as an INFJ in areas like, "how to know you are dating an INFJ or have an INFJ as a Spouse/Partner, "what  being Rare means to You as an INFJ, "why it's Important to know you are an INFJ", then leave a comment below and also comment on what you think about this article and if you would love to see more like this. If no? Then give suggestions on what you'd like to see next. Don't Forget to follow me here Read.Cash.

Thank You So Much ❤


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Written by
3 years ago
