Types of spammer's in Noise cash and way to guide them

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Avatar for Idksamad7869
3 years ago

Greeting! I hope everyone is fine and having a great day

Let's talk about something interesting today and this topic seems interesting so please read it carefully

Yesterday was day for me as you know wrote an article and I'm working doing hard work uploading on daily basis and consistency on it's peak.

I was deciding to write one on topic will guide properly about topics and upload on daily basis

It's not a big deal to find a topic but let me know if you're facing difficulty to find then let me know in comments do you want proper guide on that or you are okay with it.

Let's start our article

We will discuss this today

  • What is spammer

  • Different types of spammer

  • Things we should do with them

  • Every spammer not always remain spammer

  • Guiding them to right path

As we all knows noise cash platform is getting full of spammer and day by day site is getting boring,slow.

This is just coz of overloading with people's and the main reason behind this and how they can control over this situation.

What is spammer?

Every newbie and those who don't know after hearing about spammers and everyone talking about them but they don't know who they are and why they are being mad on those peoples.

So simple answer of this question is

  • The one who post in every 10 sec or after 1 minute posting anything copied from google or stuff

  • doing same comments everywhere

  • I will add those people's in spammer list who do giveaways with free tips

  • Creating multiple accounts

If you're doing one of this thing then you're spammer so try to avoid these thing to make platform better and full of educated people's .

choice is yours
Note : meme is originally created by me 

Now if you have two choices than which one you'll choose one is spamming on everyone post and other is doing hard work inspiring other with your content.

Lot's of peoples will choose right path but still they spam everywhere coz they don't know how to communicate with other's

Reason i add those giveaway peoples in spammer list

Once we all are working sincerely these people's are greedy to increase number of subscriber so they find a shortcut to increase that's why they do giveaway with free tip's from noise cash.

I'm okay with those people's who do contest with their own pocket money or money they earned from platform.

This is only reason they are spammers and we should avoid them to not give any attention.

Different type of spammers

There are many types of people's with many strategies to spam and make platform dirty some of them are below

  • Begging for subscriber

  • Spamming in every person comment to tip them or sub them

  • Creating multiple accounts to give tip to own account

  • Spammers who give you benefit

Spammer & begging

I'm going to rank this person number 1 coz he's begging online to increase Numbers only when we talk about this we only remember they ruin our post by commenting " S done s back " or "t done t back"

First of all tell me is there any science or logic posting incomplete words?

Oh i remember this is against rule #1 so they know their account may be suspend coz of this but they are using code wording and different language.

Let me show you screenshot of these spammers who ruin every post

What's wrong with them

Wait hold on for a second there are bunch of people's out using code language

I can't understand

i can't understand what this person is saying coz it's too difficult language for me to understand will solve it one by one

this one is next level

I can't stop my laughing when i saw these person ruining everyone post's no matter they are noise admin or Marc sir they will do same thing.

Spammers with multiple accounts

These people's are worst person ever in platform just coz of them we have now 100k+ noise cash users in our platform and 40% are real person and sincere noise user and 60% are full of spammers and multiple or fake accounts.

They usually create multiple account to get tips from noise and give it to your self it is cheating and wrong thing with other sincere users.

But noise admin know creating multiple accounts on same phone will not work coz of IP Address and in the end they got nothing except time wasting but they don't loss hope they always keep trying with new and new accounts but 95% time their account marked as spam.

Spammer's giving us benefit

In my opinion they are giving us benefit i can say it as a meme maker they are giving me content and I'm thankful to them for providing amazing content for people's.

Oh i forgot to tell you don't ever do spam or never choose spamming path no one will support you ever or you'll remain alone.

Things we should do with them

We should avoid those person who spam in your comments no matter who he is never block them just ignore them or sometime help them to understand its violation's so they will at least think about it.

As an experience person your responsibility is to guide them you're his senior talk with him and tell what's wrong and good then he will absolutely think about this and he will inspired by you and follow you.

Again I'm saying never block or tip or subscribe those peoples

Leave them alone until they realize no one give importance.

Every spammer not always remain spammer

Exactly it is true and i can relate to this coz i know when i started my career with noise cash i was also a spammer who was greedy to increase sub or stuff but never commented on single post at that time.

But as time passes i realised this platform is gold and I'm silver or nothing just ruining this platform so i think about this and changed my decision to be a person who inspire other with your work and now i can proudly say I'm inspiring people's there to follow my steps and be a responsible user of this platform.

Conclusion : Everyone who start their journey with spamming never last spammer for ever.

Closing thoughts

End of article is never behave like immature person always act like mature and show your generosity toward other one who is on wrong path and make them know and realize him he is wrong and then he will make you inspiration and will work like a responsible user and a good content creator like you but never feel jealous of him if he start working better than you and start getting support it is you who teach him and think about how happy and thankful he is. so it was just for today will see you tomorrow with another interesting topic do give your feedbacks in comment's section it's a lot for me.


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Avatar for Idksamad7869
3 years ago


S done,S back. J/k great article 👍👍 good work

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Hehehe i thought these I'm dreaming or seeing something wrong but then i realize you're being sarcastic but took screenshot and will post in noise for fun is it okay?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I admit that I'm a spammer also in noise.cash that is why I'm already Ban there. It's my biggest mistake that I will regret forever, but I believe those mistakes is an opportunity to change ourselves, now I'm here at read.cash posting everything about me without doing bad stuffs like spamming. 😃 🙂

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Glad to hear this at least you got lesson and changed your way i hope you're now inspiring others with your work

$ 0.00
3 years ago

yeah I'm sharing my experience here and things related to crypto :)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I really liked the nobility with which your article is written. Blocking a user is easy, but trying to convince him to change his attitude through didactic exhortation is noble.

In addition, there will be people who can become spammers due to ignorance or levity. How many are lazy and do not read the rules despite writing with good intention, or those, members of the same family who use the same IP address for Wi-Fi can give the impression of multiple accounts. For example, my wife recently joined noise.cash. She is happy, she is not that skilled with me, so in the beginning, I am helping her to find the content that she likes, especially in Spanish.

Maybe the bot can find a match in the IP address and establish a supposed abuse that there is not. Of course, this is another matter to the one raised by you, however the read.cash and noise.cash team is quite diligent about it. There is no spammer here.

The point is that you are totally right; the spammer must be given the option to amend, if it persists, unfortunately, they have to be expelled.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

First of all i want to thank you for dropping detailed feedback really appreciate you for giving it time and reading you wrote very well i missed these to write but you explain it very well and hopefully it will help others to understand it better agreed with your every single point you mentioned and i can relate with ip Address point totally agreed

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for the Good information, by this I found myself as spammer that unnoticed.. OMG 😶 how to get out of it and start again!?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Keep it up brother

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you bro for appreciating as always!!!!!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Agree with all this but in the start people don't know much if someone has created multiple accounts and they are now suffering in the form of not receiving any free tips so my question is that there must be a procedure for them or warning to delete your other accounts otherwise you will be suspended..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I hope we will see something like that in future updates

$ 0.00
3 years ago