Many Scenarios Comes in Mind While Driving
We Drive everyday in our life for little things like buying a grocery from store near next street to reaching office or home. Giving rides to friend or In literally so many ways having a car or motorcycle anything is a must in this era.
Even though the hikes in fuel prices is something people are considering to take metro or walk out for little things.
There's quite like benefits that our physical activities will increase and it is must needed as far I think because we are too dependent or relying on Cars or Mobile phones all time.
Whatever this ain't the thing I'm taking today but the main point is those thoughts or scenarios that comes in our mind.
It's a thing that happens to most of us like driving I have noticed people attention is somewhere else like lost in the scenarios they had created in mind.
I'm Learning To Drive
I had Got many offers to learn driving from people like in pandemic from cousin or Grandfather even (which was quite scary learning from him) but I refused.
The reason I never wanted to learn driving in past was "I won't learn as long as I don't own a Car" make sense? For me it is dream to own a car and won't learn from someone in their car unless I have mine.
Can say it's like a little source of motivation or can be stupidity either. Your thoughts on this?
Recently a month back my friend was like shocked when he heard I can't drive even a bike so he told me to learn.
Took me like a day to learn and never got a chance to drive now as I'm too busy in practical life and far away from his reach.
Scenarios in Mind While Driving
There's quite many things goes on in our mind when we are driving for a learner it's obviously all attention on road and car/bike.
Both man and Women drive car and few Things that I think they must be thinking while driving can be quite funny (in a sarcastic way ) or also can be serious thing others can relate with.
When Women's Drive
While she's driving the scenario in her mind will be something like "Should, I put my hands on eyes when someone eventually show up from nowhere on road or Breaks".
And guess it will end up with a scream or covering eyes putting hands.
Alright, I was just being sarcastic don't take it wrong. I'm here to make you entertain.
Here's a story of my favorite Aunty, so she learnt driving car newly and I went with her on a drive to get water from filter.
She literally drove the car like snail speed but was brilliantly while Going but now we are coming back and I was like oh, You're doing so Good.
And the next second later literally she hit the car which was parked far away at safe place and I was like oh what the Heck just happened.
Well, On a serious note Girls do Over think about many things while they're driving this my only observation.
Scenarios in Mind When Men's Drive
It is Going to be something unexpected for most but at some point will make sense. So, Mostly Boys don't concentrate on Road and if not than where the concentration is going?
1% Focus on Road, 2% on career tension and rest it can be anything starts from those 3 words.
Now I want you To "Tell me the scenarios that comes in your mind while driving".
Would love to know your thoughts on this and it can be anything funny or whatever just be honest and also in form of Article or Comment whatever you feel Good enough or comfortable to do.
For now, I need to hustle way more to own a car in future so I can feel or experience creating scenarios in my head while I'm driving.
Though everyone should give all attention on road and driving safely like a gentleman. This is just for something fun or telling what I've observed so far from my observation traveling in local or with people in everyday life.
Your motivation is same with even if I learn it .... what's the point...? it not to drive mine ???..... so many things goes on in our minds and sometimes it comes surfacing while driving.