What are the Important ingredients For Happiness Now?

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3 years ago

A good measure of true happiness can be found now, and much greater happiness in the near future is a security.

This is not a positive thought. It is based on what is really happening today in hundreds of thousands of people around the world and also what the future definitely has for humanity.

What are the key ingredients in happiness now? The answers can be very different depending on the observer. For example, some people believe that there is no harm and therefore imagine that they can find joy in almost anything. But this is an illusion because there are many things in this world that are very bad.

Some go to the other extreme. You will hardly find anything good in something personal; So there is no reason to be lucky. They have almost the same opinion as the ancient Greek poet Sophocles, who said: "Do not count on a happy man who is not dead."

But these views are extreme. Somewhere in the middle is a balanced view of what leads to happiness. And in general, most authorities agree on several basic ingredients that are absolutely necessary.

At the same time, almost all of these observers ignore the most important ingredient in happiness! And if this is ignored, the other parts will fail over time.

Let us first mention some basic factors that can help make life happier, even now, in this troubled world. Then we will identify the most important ingredient in everyone else and see how it affects much greater happiness in the future.

Enjoy what we have

It is true that we face many problems in our daily lives. On the other hand, there are things we can be grateful for, things that can make us happy, if we stop thinking about them.

An easy way to better assess the fact that we can now enjoy some happiness is to consider alternatives. Almost anyone can imagine a tragedy that would diminish the happiness we are in now. But that means we now have a degree of happiness without such tragedies occurring. Although we are not very happy with the state of our lives, it helps us to realize that we are generally better than we imagine.

Valuing what we have would really mean that we value life itself. Although you may have many problems that can be depressing, you would rather live than die, right? Only people with mental imbalance commit suicide. Yes, life is "sweet" and we keep it strong for as long as possible.

The alternative to life is death, where there is no pleasure. As the Bible says, "The dead know nothing." (Eccl. 9: 5) That is why the preceding verse says: "A living dog is better than a dead lion." (Eccl. 9: 4) Being alive and human is very superior to stone, tree or animal or death. We can be happy to live as human beings if we stop thinking about it.

With the right perspective, there are also many simple things in life that can bring us additional happiness. A nice sunny day is a joy. The same goes for natural creations such as trees, flowers, animals, mountains, rivers and lakes. Even in a lively city, there are sunny days and pleasant spaces that can be a source of refreshment.

You can see that some people cannot be blind. Ask a blind person if they want to see them again! Or close your eyes a little and try to move on with your daily activities. You better understand how valuable your vision is.

The same goes for the feelings of taste and smell. You may have eaten a favorite dish hundreds of times in your life, but when you feel it cooked again, you feel happy.

Yes, we never got tired of the really good things in life. If we "count our blessings," we would appreciate them more and be happier.

Have fun at work

Happiness requires activity. We are happiest in life when we have something useful to do. The work is truly a blessing for us.

Not having to work may seem desirable, but not entirely. If everything was miraculously done by us, life would be incredibly boring. The reason is that we have managed to be successful with real volume of business.

Although your work may seem uninteresting or insignificant, it does not add anything to your existence. Does it help you pay your bills? It is therefore important for you. And this is important for society in general, because if all the seemingly routine or "boring" jobs were eliminated, how long would the business continue to operate?

It is true that your job may not be as desirable as someone else's. But it almost always contributes not only to your well-being, but to others as well. Watching it can satisfy you by trying to do your job well.

A more important ingredient

One of the most important components of happiness has to do with our relationship with others. We cannot be happy without friendship, affection, affection and understanding, but without the love that comes from people.

It is true that in some places, for example in narrow cities, people sometimes want everyone to go. But who would really want to be alone? It may sound attractive for a while, but the point is that without others we cannot find true happiness, even though we are sometimes disappointed or angry with them. No man has been happy for a while.

But it's not just the others around us who bring happiness. What really matters is showing love, an important and necessary ingredient for happiness. And the kind of love that works best is one that is based on correct principles but is also warm and loving.

“Love: The Most Important Part of Happiness,” said a headline from Psychology Today magazine.

When love and the resulting happiness are lacking, money or material possessions are often replaced. But these things can never replace the happiness that comes from human relationships in which love is shown.

Does this mean that we can never be truly happy if we don't have love in our childhood? No, because love can be cultivated and developed at any age. Because it is so? Because we receive love and respond to love as an integral part of human society. God created us with this ability. And love can be relived regardless of the disappointing experiences of the first years of life.

The golden rule

What others do affects our happiness. And what we do affects the happiness of others. We simply cannot escape the fact that our happiness is tied to the lives of many other people, our families, friends and others.

As far as it is within our grasp, we have nothing to do to pursue our own pleasures which harm the happiness of others. This principle is called the "golden rule" found in the Bible. It was Jesus Christ who said, "Whatever you want people to do to you, you have to do it to them too."

What if you treat others like this with love, kindness, honesty, and justice? Like the child who responds to your smile, so do other people who respond to the good treatment you offer. It is true that not everyone will. But most of them will respond positively to you.

It will increase your happiness because, as Jesus said, "there is more happiness in giving than in receiving." (Acts 20:35) An example is a grandmother whose husband had died. She wrote:

“Now that [my husband] is gone, I give him my children and grandchildren. . . it gives them a lot of pleasure. But to be completely honest, when I give them my pleasure is way greater than theirs. ""

If he had not "given" to others, he would have denied them all happiness, and much of it would have been denied. He discovered the truth of what the English philosopher John Stuart Mill observed when he said that the only truly happy people are those who “have focused their thoughts on something other than their own happiness; the happiness of others. "

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Written by
3 years ago


We all want to be happy but we are very confused about what to do to be happy. Nice to read your article. Very well written.After reading your article, it seems that it will be much easier to be good now. Thank you... 😊🌻

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3 years ago