Investing in 'Skill and Knowledge Development' - A few hacks I follow to do so.
Knowledge is the only thing that remains for us. There's no need to say how this single thing became the most important one in the recent world in the context of how the global economy is changing. Every single day new things come and what we learned in the past becomes somehow useless.
Another thing is, working on our knowledge and developing our skills. If we think about thriving our financial gain, not only our assets but also these two are most important to push us forward.
Especially if we talk about crypto then there's no alternative to learn and develop our skills as per. Just look back two years from now, and you will see how the crypto world changed over time. And there's no boundary, every day new things are coming. If we stick with our old plan and sit still, the financial gain would not be as high as we might think. Because this world is dominated by youth-minded people, so to survive skill and knowledge are the first few things.
I was once a beginner and newbie at everything especially crypto. Coming from a culture where crypto is still an 'alien', it took me a good while to learn these things. But the time is worth it. What I came to realize is building the proper mindset to learn is necessary. Otherwise, we will be playing the same old game and gain a little.
What do I do to learn and develop my skills?
Reading a good amount of content every single day. Being part of the crypto, and finance community, reading the newsletter, and scrolling crypto sites helped me a lot to figure out things.
Talking with people in my chat/friend group to learn more and solve some issues or what I didn't understand properly. They may think I'm dumb but it helped me, that's the truth.
Using the learning in the real world. I have done so many micro transactions to just learn. It may sound silly but over time it helped me to understand trading better, and do things efficiently.
Putting the time and effort to learn new things. Just because I don't understand them doesn't mean I will not. I don't usually overcrowd myself with thousands of things. But I learn new things gradually.
Taking action as per my learning like building profiles in different platforms, trading in a small amount, etc. All these add up to developing practical skills.
This is like a continuous process. Building the proper mindset is necessary for this. Push yourself to look around and learn at least something new every day. Learn casually and it will help you develop gradually. As I have said, this is a survival game, and only learning and developing skills can help us thrive, otherwise, only assets can't help us reach our dream.
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