My twin flame: my love affair

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2 years ago

Twin flame means one soul been shared between two physical beings, its like a mirror of each other. I can't explain further until I do the honors of telling you about this encounter.

I had a crush on one certain guy, Richard. He's chubby and light skinned, definitely very fine. I can't really recall why I fell for him, what I do know is he gave me this home feeling : which is comfort.

I loved to watch him from afar as you all know, girls has to keep their hold; it gives us more pride and dignity . I can be very obvious, if I like you everybody would know so I kept the feeling to myself and just observed until I noticed his friend, Ben.

I was walking down the stairs chatting on my phone one night, I was so distracted that I kept counting my steps pausing to chitchat only when I noticed, somebody's here. Indeed, there he was staring at me. We stood opposite each other, I apologized and walked pass,took a glance back and he was standing there staring at me, it was creepy but I left anyways.

There were many encounters with Ben, then it came to me that he was avoiding me or that he disliked me. Most times we passed each other, I would greet and he wouldn't answer not once or twice did this happen but the repetition made me curious. I walked up to him as fearless as I was I couldn't bring myself to say Hi, (smiles). So I reached out to some friends that knew him in a way and they all gave me the impression that he was a nice guy.

One time I did say Hi, raising my hands up this time for him to respond and he did. He looked surprised, at that moment it was like time froze, it happened in seconds as if he was stealing the moment to focus his gaze at mine. It didn't stop there, I was heading home and he was waiting . I was shocked, then I walked pass. Thought to myself, now is your chance. I did go back to confront him to ask him, why this drama? No. To ask him, why do I feel like you dislike me for no reason? No. I just stood there not knowing what to say, then I left.

Finally I did the confronting, he was walking past me and I grasped his arm, after all the chase , hunt and hide; he gave me this obnoxious look. It was terrifying so I let go, I promised not to meddle with the affairs of my mind. I told myself I made up all this scenes, to some point I thought I might be having feelings but I still hated him because i knew he had something to say. So what was holding him back?

We became strangers after that day stealing glances at each other, we lived in the same compound. It was hard pretending he didn't exist. He started doing things he doesn't do on a daily basis, like staying in his balcony and observing me till I was gone. I liked the air , so I usually come out to site see. He was proud, rude, to other people kind. He is light skinned with broad chest, everything about him looked perfect at least I heard that from most girls. When he was around I would know, even in the dark. He doesn't need to speak to me to know he's around me. When he was standing close by, I could feel this drag like a magnetic pull and we would just stare at each other, as much as I hated him, I couldn't bring myself to break this magnetic pull, that's how it felt. I felt as if I was been tormented, looking at something i like ( he's what I need in a man) but you can't have it.

This could all be in my head but what I do know is what I saw wasn't just mere speculations. We meet in the same place outside where we lived. We have bumped into each other so many times. When I was in my darkest moment (loosing my dad) he was there but far away. He comes out to his balcony to stare until I was gone. When I look at him I feel like we have known each other, maybe from a different world. He's like a mirror that reflects what I don't see about myself, my insecurities.

I came across the word Twin flame, it was then I knew what he was. Maybe later on we would reunite, maybe not.

Am no writer but a teller of stories. I have many more to share with you guys. I am grateful to this app cause I get to express how I really feel and I need y'all support and encouragement. Corrections are entertained too.

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2 years ago


Its my most interesting story so far, cause I had to tell a big secret out loud

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2 years ago

This is my first story

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2 years ago

I truly what to feel something this special to somebody to be happy again. I havent dated in years, its so annoying. There's a moment in life you just want to be with somebody that makes you happy or at least loves you enough to distract your mind from all your problems. I miss that I had it with my dad but its special with someone.

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2 years ago

Maybe we would meet again, maybe not

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2 years ago