Day Full of Errands

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Avatar for IamAshrone
2 years ago
Topics: Personal Blog

Hello lovely people here on read cash praying all we're fine in this very hot weather we have. It's the 3rd day of March and summer is starting we have very hot weather as day by day goes by. Lent has just started yesterday Catholics celebrated Ash Wednesday. It's time for reflection and repentance for our sins.

Before anything else just want to say thank you very much to these amazing people who keep supporting my writing journey here on Kindly check their awesome articles and I can assure you that all we're worthy of your time.

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Today is Thursday and mind you early in the morning my day starts with an errand it is for my mom who Asks if I can fetch some medicine for her because her maintenance medicine has already run out. And I told her I will after I have our breakfast but first I need to prepare it before we can have a sumptuous meal. So I started it immediately after my favorite mug of coffee. And here I am on the road after my breakfast I fall in line to get some medicine for my mum.

After the drugstore, I passed by a nearby market and buy some fresh produce, vegetables, and meat products to store in our ref for another day's foods. And I got a message from the teacher of my youngest I need to go to school to see an errand for my youngest. I need to sign some papers regarding school reports being a parent needs to fulfill our responsibility to the class community.

And home again after school. So need to prepare some lunch for my family. After our lunch, I got to relax a little before I was sent off again on an errand needed to go to the bank to settle some payments for my brother. It was hot but I'm glad there were clouds so it will cover some sunlight. And on the bank, they keep looking for your vaccine card and I am ready I always bring it along with me.

So after the afternoon errand got a chance to relax again with a mug of coffee and some bread to ease my hunger falling in line was hard it needs patience. So you see I have a day full of errands but I am happy that even I am tired I help my family in some little way.

So thank you me friends for being with me, thank you for always finding time to visit and read my humble articles. Bless you all always and stay safe. Prayers and Hugs @IamAshrone.

All Rights Reserved @IamAshrone 
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Avatar for IamAshrone
2 years ago
Topics: Personal Blog


You spent a really busy day walking around, but you were also able to relax. It's good that you were able to help your family in that way, you are a very good person.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Super duper init nga kanina sissy, dami mong busy today

$ 0.00
2 years ago