Myths about breakfast and dinner

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1 year ago
Topics: Food

Our body needs fuel for our survival. People who don't pay attention on their meals , they think that skiing meal is good if you want to look slip and skinny.

Do you really think that ?


There are some myths like if you want to be slip you should skip meals. People don't have breakfast because they think that this is the only way to be skinny.

Some people are used to skip their dinner. We'll these both thinks are realy dangerous. According to scientific research:

In the Morning

Our stomach is empty for whole night. So when we get up and still don't have anything so it will make us lazy and lethargic gradually.

You feel sleepy whole day and you cannot pay attention to your work properly. Because human body needs energy to work properly and if we are not having proper food on time we will have its after effects too.

At Dinner

People are two types

  1. Who skip their dinner

  2. Who eat too much at night

Both have sideeffects, the person who is not having their dinner he cannot get a proper sleep. On the other person who eats too much will sleep more but his stomach has to work really hard.

Scientific fact is at night our metabolism gets slow as compared to day time. Our digestion process does not work fast as it works during the day, that is why we need to eat less food.

But it does not mean we should not eat anything. If we are not eating or eating tomuch it will quicken the ageing process. They have grey hair and wrinkles in early ages.

Important thing to do:

What we should do I we must have our break fast and dinner. We need to eat healthy in the breakfast. " have breakfast like a king, lunch like a Prince, dinner like a pauper".

Eating healthy is essential

Having fruits in the morning g is the best thing.

An Apple a day keeps the doctor away. If we eat fruits we get vitamins which are realy good for our skin, hair, nails, and body.

Things we eat have effects on our body:

Eating effects our mental heath too. If we are eating healthy food it balances our mood. It also protects you from having different kinds of diseases.

If we are eating spicy and oily food it makes you angry and depressed most of the time. You feel anger because there are certain elements that make your blood warm and it effects your mood.

Eating fruits and vegetables leads to a fresh and calm mind. In this way you can control your any type of emotions. You feel fresh and energetic. So you can perform in any field well.

So food has major effect on our body. That is why eat healthy and stay blessed. And keep your life simple and easy in that case you can enjoy your life. Be happy !!!

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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Food
