Like thousands of people, I was also bullied in high school. It was something I always remember and to this day I hate the person who caused all that.
But I do not want to talk about me, but why there are many people who believe that depression is something that does not exist.
There are many cases of parents who do not know why their children took their own lives. - "My son was always locked in his room, he had bad grades and he was always angry."
Well, you could say that bad grades are "normal" ... But always being in a bad mood is not.
A "I don't want to go to school, Mom" could be a sign that your child is uncomfortable at school, that something is wrong with him.
Maybe your child doesn't want to talk specifically about someone? That someone may be the bully.
Let's say you didn't pay attention to your son and he got depressed. What happens if you don't help him?
Your child will believe that you are worthless. The hatred towards the bully will begin. This mixture of hatred and sadness helps your child think about committing suicide.
There are two options. Die or live. If your child is vulnerable enough, he will choose the first. I could choose the first one, because he's not just a bully, maybe it's his entire course, his entire school.
Depression (if not treated in time) ends in suicide. Depression and suicide are drawn like a magnet to metal. What a beautiful relationship.
Do not think that I am joking, or that I am taking the suicide as a joke. Suicide is not a game, it is a sensitive subject, I know. But, if I try to take it as a "love story", it is because I once thought about committing suicide.
But I took the time to think twice ... "What difference does it make? Just ignore the negative comments, I'll be myself", that's what I thought. It was a difficult thing, but I did it.
If you've been feeling sad lately that someone has been stalking you, feel free to report it. Enough of the violence. Enough of cyberbullying.
Do you believe the same as me? Do you think that depression can end in suicide if it is not treated in time?
PS: Please do not take this article as a medical article or something like that. It's just the opinion of a young woman
Of course, In these modern times when everyone is running towards what is so-called success and also gets trapped in a rat race because of the societal measure to rate success, some get depressed, some sail through, and some ending up in some horrible ways. When everything is being exposed and being improved in 21st century where everything is improving our lives the technologies and the inventions etc. at the same time the rate of suicide and mental anxiety, depression is also soaring high. It's the need of the hour to make people aware and towithstand with people and to address issues like these on a bigger platform.