Conspiracy Theories - The Age of Discernment

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3 years ago

What Are Conspiracy Theories?

There is a truth movement politically known as “conspiracy theorists” that is gaining momentum and popularity.  Reserved, at one time, only for the most paranoid of thinkers, conspiracy theories have moved to a new level of mainstream commonality as we collectively shift toward the realization of corruption that exists within society today.  The art of questioning anything nowadays, or to simply have an idea that flows against the tide of conditioned thinking is automatically ostracized with the label of “conspiracy theorist."

To stop dissension within society, the words, “conspiracy theorist” was brought into our cultural existence when people began to question the widely unexplained events of the Kennedy assassination.  To truly dissect this event would have exposed deep state factions, and an entire chain of historical corruption at that time.  As there is always a lot of money and power at stake, there had to be a culture of shame created around questioning things.  It had to become a crazy thing to question reality and to question whether the Government was behaving truthfully and this societal mindset has only strengthened over time as corruption has rooted itself further into our everyday lives.

It can never been deemed as intelligent, scholarly, academic or pioneering to ever question authority. So nowadays, we have to ask ourselves “do I choose to live comfortable and never query anything, or do I go to that really uncomfortable place where I am considered a misfit or the black sheep of my family for simply questioning the official, widely accepted narrative?”  What’s wrong with questioning things?  Once you have chosen the path of discerning reality, you begin to live a very different life to everyone else.  Getting the answers to things you don’t necessarily want to hear, around subjects that are never talked about or even widely understood can bring about intense feelings of depression and isolation.

If you are the type of person who hates anything to do with “conspiracy theories” then your life truly is a luxury.  Once you begin that process of questioning reality and shining a light on things that appears wrong, you suddenly find yourself living outside the world.  You are no longer part of the clique.  There is no burden to bear or any responsibility to take.  Just like a boxcar on a rail track, your existence (although oppressive) will be linear and protectively boxed by who governs and directs the course on which your life takes.  Ignorance is bliss!

So are all conspiracies theories true?  Of course not!  The only way you can navigate conspiracies theories is with discernment.  Simply developing a heart/soul connection will enable you to read, and feel energy to establish the insight to see through dishonesty.  The evolving of your ‘third eye’ is more than just vivid dreams and psychic visions, it is harnessing the skills to see illusion within the 3-D realm.  It grants you the intuition to see truth in the world.  Regardless of feelings or any associated societal norms, facts are quite simply facts, they are either True or Not True and that’s all there is to it!

What Is The Kernel Of Truth?

Discernment is an initiation into Self.  It is the method of being able to look at something and say, “how much of this is true?” and “how can I adjust my core beliefs, world view or behavior to incorporate this, if at all?”  People avoid discernment as they want to bypass the really uncomfortable process of separating truth from lies especially when it collides with their personal model of the world.  Challenging the cognitive dissonance could shatter the security of our illusion and place us into a state of chaos and uncertainty, stripping us of our personal power all at once.  Everyone has the ability to discern truth, but it is often easier to settle on a common or convenient truth as opposed to the highest truth.

On a Spiritual level, a conspiracy theory truly is the study of illusion in the world.  To decipher what is disingenuous, and how to navigate our right path in life, forever enabling us to stand in our sovereign power.  The collective think tank or corporate-style governing bodies historically always oppose this eccentricity which can be viewed as dissension.  It is neither controllable, nor profitable to them, therefore always discouraged with indoctrination and implanted polarizing terms like, “conspiracy theorist.” “Why do you always have to question everything?” is a nothing more than a derogatory fear statement you may have had aimed at you in the past from someone you know or love.

When To Address Conspiracy Theories?

In the current Age of Disclosure, it can be easy to get pulled in many directions with truth and lies, so if you are feeling a little depleted, overwhelmed, depressed or anxious then staying up until 3am looking at black magic rituals, assassinations, pedophilia scandals or really disgusting, disconcerting things that Politicians have done is not a very good idea and will certainly alter your perception into feeling there is just no hope left in this world.  The healthy approach for the practice of discernment would be to center yourself spiritually to balance yourself mentally.  Adopt a healthy routine of regular sleep, healthy eating and meditation that honors your mind, body and spirit before delving deep into the darkness of deception.

By keeping yourself centered in your personal power, it will enable you to handle any life-altering mental shifts at your conditioned thinking, or value system you may find yourself being challenged with instead of hopelessly spirally into a bottomless rabbit hole that leaves you feeling fearless, helpless, drained and more confused about the truth of reality than before.  An open mind and open-heart is the most receptive state for truth, but being spiritually centered and objectively minded is imperative.  We are not defined by our external world, but if we are neglecting to harness our inner world then the external will hold power over us.

If we allow ourselves to be tossed around by the dramas of life and not rooting ourselves emotionally then we are neglecting the development of our inner world therefore we are not evolving, and we are not healing.  Being Spiritually grounded will effectively separate you from the polarization of politics and misinformation.  You are the eye of your own storm, and you are the creator of your own existence which is manifested perceptually on how you process information around you.  Instead of putting yourself through peaks and valleys all the time, get to know what your energy fields are and respect them.

Pied Piper Mentality, And The Reality Of Others.

It is all to easy to be pulled into the controversy of conspiracy and become terrorized by the drama to the point where your survival mechanism kicks in, and you go into self-preservation mode by perhaps hoarding food, or supplies as you believe that you may be in grave peril.  It’s the roller-coaster ride of life that awakens the reptilian brain and raises your Adrenalin.  This can actually be quite an addictive mindset for many.  Life is always an unfolding, a journey and an experience and as the creator of your own reality, you choose how high or how low you want to go.  For this reason, be always mindful of the people that you follow or take advice from.

Conspiracy theories, today, have taken on a whole new life force which is hardly surprising given the level of deceit, and corruption being unveiled in this age of disclosure.  Searching for truth in life is an enrichment of our souls and you should never feel ostracized by it simply because those initiating the lies do it to hold power over us.  The very words, “conspiracy theories” has a stigmatic connotation that conditions us to renounce and often entirely dismiss its exploration, defrauding us of truthful living.  Be not afraid of exploring, for it is truth that will set you free.

There are many truth seekers out there, some may be empowering while others are more dark and dramatic. It’s always worth remembering that as a spiritually balanced individual navigating your way through the multiple layers of deception around today, that something is only ever True or it’s Not True, it is never complicated, colored or open to opinion.  A fact is a truth, and it is up to you to discern that fact from fiction, not based on others’ opinions.  Never base truth solely on what you are told but rather by what you discern it to be.

There are people within the truth movement who will have an esoteric truth about some theory they allude to but then add their personal take on it, attaching things to it that are dark and hopeless and simply not true.  The core of what they say will be true, but their swing on it is dark, and of course, this is their right to say whatever they want about their model of the world, how they see reality, corporations or Government and how they interpret it is their decision, but with a little discernment you may be able to see the bigger picture.  Often people will debunk or reject an entire theory simply because they have judged it solely on the eccentricities of the person talking about it or on the flip side you may find yourself fully endorsing the theory along with the tale-bearers’ opinion simply because you felt that person was intelligent enough to have uncovered the lie in the first place.

Always be mindful of following those who may be addicted to the drama.  You are not spiritually centered when you are reactionary, or have a sense of immediacy around a breaking story you have just come across on the internet earlier that day.  You leave yourself open and vulnerable to deceit or duplicity from others, such as being asked for money to help fix the problem.  There is an entire cottage industry dedicated to fleece people that live without discernment.  For balanced people who understand conspiracies, and the art of illusion in the world should be able to talk about them in a balanced way without this weird sense of immediacy or emergency attached to it where you feel your life-force energy being harvested because you feel terrorized.

So when we engage in a conspiracy, we are really trying to activate our higher and inner wise self. When we look clearly at a theory, we are constantly pinging it off a sense of intuition.  We all have that resonator of truth within us that can easily be engaged when we operate from a higher heart energy. As we engage that inner wise person, it is that wise person who will decipher the conspiracy into truth or fiction, rather than our much lower egoistic self, meaning we activate from an intuitive place, rather than the survival-based place where we are always just assuming the worst.

The soulful initiation into conspiracy theories is to question everything.  Ask yourself “now what part of this is true, and to what degree?” “Is this a person I would respect or take advice from?” “Is the person telling this, balanced?”  This will help to break the conspiracy down.  It is worth noting that if the researcher that is sharing a truth with you is unbalanced and chaotic then perhaps their view of the story could become tainted with their personal discord and obsessiveness.  Regardless of how terrifying or hopeless a conspiracy may seem, we can always deal with it through balanced rationale of the heart and mind.

Many conspiracy theorists will believe that they are initiated into truth but will approach it with chaotic energy because they are in an ominous place where they no longer sleep but at the same time, take no responsibility for the maelstrom in their lives.  This is not to say there is no truth to what they have uncovered or that it has been debunked.  There is a certain taboo associated with challenging the mainstream narrative and everyone has a different approach to managing their life-changing erosion of their belief systems as a result.

Closing Thoughts.

So engaging and challenging conspiracy theories in itself are not crazy behavior and denying that a truth exists does not erase it.  Freedom of expression is fundamental to societal truth, the sharing of ideas to root out deception and misrepresentation.  Next time you hear the words, “conspiracy theory” ask yourself “what is the message here?” and “where is the truth in this?.”  Don’t simply debunk it because the word has triggered an automated, cognitive shut down.  Ask yourself “what is so uncomfortable about this?”

Likewise, if you feel lured like a cerebral magnet and hooked by the melodrama, then simply take a step back, look at the bigger picture, how is the message being delivered and discern the outcomes and how it changes what you already know from a spiritually, God conscious heart and mind.  That divine Christ consciousness is who we all truly are at our core, and it is this clarity that will keep us anchored in strength and stability whatever turbulence the external world exposes us to.

We all need to move beyond the definition of a conspiracy theory that started at the Kennedy assassination and take our power back. Understand that freely thinking or analyzing things, or being different and having a different thoughts or ideas to others is powerful.  It is what makes society fertile and creative and it’s what allows us to be productive and evolve collectively over time.

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Avatar for HypnoticRhythm
3 years ago


I question everything that the mainstream conglomerate reports. It typically follows a globalist narrative. In our contemporary world, evil is called good, and good has been construed as evil. As a researcher/writer of some 25 plus years, it is still not always easy to discern truth, but diligence pays its rewards. One thing: correct your grammatical mistakes and you'll earn more Bitcoin Cash. Guaranteed.

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