Children are the leaders of the country and the nation. Today's children will take the responsibility of running the country, nation and state of tomorrow. Therefore, it is essential to develop children as worthy citizens. In developed countries of the world, various types of care systems have been developed for the physical, mental and intellectual development of children. But in our country children are being deprived of their basic rights in many ways due to illiteracy and poverty. Due to scarcity, they have to engage in various occupations from the very beginning of their lives. Children Under the age of 18 are defined as children in the United Nations Children's Fund. According to this definition, about 45% of the total population of Bangladesh falls under the category of children. There is no universally accepted definition of a child in Bangladesh. The National Children's Policy defines children as those under 14 years of age. According to the provisions of the statutory law, children under the age of 18 are called. Again, some laws have set the age limit for children at 11. It is usually called child labor when children deprived of basic rights are engaged in an activity in order to survive. The International Labor Organization and the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Children say that child labor is considered dangerous and harmful to the health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development of the child.