Time: 3:30am

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3 years ago

This is the time you answered me. This is how you feel when you love me too. This is the time I heard the words I love you from your red lips. Therefore, at this time I will also reveal how much I love you.

I've been preparing for a long time. I didn't brass if they were letters, words or phrases I wrote. I've never been copper for a few days and haven't been bored just to be perfect in front of you.

I didn't tell you if I loved you, when you asked me. But now, here it is. Three-thrity in the morning, I had a dream. It was a dream that warmed my sleeping heart.

It was also the time when I was having a hard time because I was in school again. It was the same day if we see you first. I didn't know if it was destiny, that I had dreamed of you before I met you.

I still remember the smiles you gave me when you were just in my dream. I still remember your smiles. When you asked 'do I need help with the homework that our teachers have given us.

I still had a hard time realizing that I could sleep because I couldn't believe that the woman I was dating would be my classmate. So I set the alarm at 3:30 am since that day.

Every day just to text you "Good Morning" and to my surprise, you are resting at that hour. Destiny at meant for each other became my mantra and mentality. I don't know if I was still in a dream. Or is it just fiction?. I'm happy!

Not wrong. I've been happy ever since. So I'm doing everything you want and trying to like them. Just to meet you 'cause I'm thinking "let's be for each other".

It was funny because the day had come for me to go crazy. Cocaine is not used because it has blinded their so-called love. Foolishly, let go of yourself just to make you happy. After all, letting go of the words "I love you".

After all, thinking that everything you do and do is destiny. But really, it's just pure stupidity. I thought you were also watching just to text me by 3:30 am.

It's really not for you. It was my dream dream that warmed my heart to a cold sleeper. It was a dream that burned my melting heart with an angelic voice.

The thought of a dream that gave color to my life was long lost. It was a dream that in too much color just gave way to darkness. I thought it was a perfect dream.

It was a dream with many holes and it was just a painful nightmare. Dear, this time you answered me. At this time you uttered the words I had long been hoping for. And at this time you also uttered the term:

"We're done"

3:30 am

I woke up in a dream. It was a dream of pure darkness. A dream where the ninety had become pure sorrow. Dear, this time I will reveal everything. So get ready, because I didn't copper a few words, a few paragraphs or a few days I didn't prepare.

Just to be perfect in front of you. I don't copper how much you love me or if you really love me But now, here it is. 3:30 am. My ear was about to break due to the clock ticking.

The fact that I was no longer 'awakened' awakened me. So that's me. Arise, stand and change the alarm set. I am awake, awake awake. Fun, fun !! Even without the 'we'

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Written by
3 years ago


I am not sure if this is something you wrote in ten minutes time but I loved reading it. Have fun! 👍🍀

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3 years ago

To be honest i didn't notice the time, if i wrote in 10 minutes 😅. Thank you.

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3 years ago