Loads Of Love

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3 years ago

Forgive all lost things. In wasted hours. With laughter and stories that will never be repeated. In tears do not know when to stop. In times past. It is true that love is not enough to suffer and work but how can you really say that you really love someone? if only pain is experienced

Love is not enough for so many reasons to leave a relationship, why do you stay? because of the love you hold? but what if the other one is a reason why you stay you feel you are gradually disappearing? 'Do not torture yourself and those you love or who love you. Don't wait to get to the point where you both have nothing left. "Give it all" is not right. Remember that before you can love another person, you must be whole

In a relationship, two people should work together. Not just one. Not just one is fun. Not just one person understands. It is not enough "I will do this to make him happy". Maybe, it's really hard to love but that's really not it? When it comes to the person you love, you can handle everything. But is that enough?

No. Because how can you love when you are low yourself?

How will you give if you yourself are gone?

You do not love to build a ruined person. You do not love to change someone. You do not love so that you can brag to your friends. You do not love to waste your parents' money. You love for the good of your character and that of your loved one. You love to know why you are really here in this world. You love to be happy, not to be miserable. Because if you just want to be a problem, the world has a lot of problems that can be done.

If you just love to be hurt and hurt, that is no longer love. Love is not the same as foolishness. Yes, there are things you can do just because of love. But if you were just fooling around, wouldn't you rather learn and learn the more important things in the world?

True, there's more to life than love. You do not have to rush through love because there are many more things that can happen in your life. You will meet many more. 'Do not turn your world around with someone who is unlikely to last a lifetime Why don't you build yourself up first until the person who loves you arrives who is equal to the love that can give?

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Written by
3 years ago


Indeed there's way more than love and there's no need to rush into it. Best is to invest in loving oneself first. Thanks for this good text and the wise lesson. Loads of love, too much love can kill. 👍🍀💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very well said 💌

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3 years ago