Soon an amazing detail and reward (1)
The skin is a flawless envelope that gives us a regular shape. It holds in itself an extraordinary hidden function that continues in our bodies all the time. And it maintains this proportion which is one of our most important potential senses. Numerous receptornerves, circulatory passages, enlightenment systems, thermal and fluid identifying organs and other and manifestations of the workings of Allah Almighty are at work in it.
The skin itself is strong and flexible in both respects. Both properties are mutually practical and unresponsive. They live. Later they die and are replaced by new cells. Throughout a person's life, 20 kilograms (44 pounds) of skin cells are formed. Each square centimeter of skin contains sensory cells. Give them the opportunity to perform a variety of tasks depending on their location.
For example, when your hand comes in contact with boiling water, we feel the heat through the receptors and then the pain. Some 30,000 receptors perceive the heat, and 3.5 million feel the pain. The envelope and the particular organ are not affected by external elements and have considerable flexibility in themselves. It transmits messages from every square millimeter of area to the nerve and then from there to the sender. And the blood vessels are constantly renewed. There is a network of pores in the skin through which waste products are excreted in the form of sweat.
( to be continued)
God's work