"I wanna hold her hands."

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It's the Sunday morning, I get up bit late. I wish Morning to someone special. After being fresh forward towards kitchen to get something for breakfast. As always I prefers to take tea with bread slice and half fry egg in my breakfast. It's my simple routine breakfast. I checked my phone and WhatsApp as I was waiting for someone's get in touch with me. Suddenly, I receive back a text that make me happy.

It's not my routine at all. I am just going to do this little things. Hmmmmm!!!!! I feels that it making me happy or I feels that its a start of something that I have never thought before. I suddenly begins to thinks about someone, and having a sudden space in the hear for someone. Am I going towards deep feelings. I am not sure about this.

I want to hold his hand and want to go long way. I wanna besides him through thick and thin. I begins to trust the person whom I not know much. I just want to listen him and want to lost myself in his words and sweet voice.

We may have some memorable time together. We may go on some beautiful tours to mountains and glaciers. Together we may see the starry sky at night and have a look at the shadow of the moon in the stream at night. We may touch together the beauties of the Greenland by hands.

He is not going to cheat or me can never thought about it. I just want to look in his eyes for long and he is not going anywhere in front of me. We will feel each others so nearly that nothing can apart us.

We may laugh at the meaningless jokes and can share secrets to each other or made secrets to each others. We can do little activities of pleasure that make us feel happy although it is foolish. Wanna enjoy each and every moment of life.

Although I am not sure about the other person feelings same for me. But I want from more and more love, care and respect.

He is my most precious capital in life whom I never want to lost. His smile make me happy. I love to see in his eyes. I like myself when I am in front of him. I want to know his strengths and want to get him over his all weakness. I wanna support him throughout his life.

He make me feel complete and secure. He is the person for who my love grown day by day more and more. I wanna hold his hand, hold his so tightly that can never be apart.

He is going to love more and more. He is going to me encourage in my efforts. He is making me my dream fulfill. He is in love with me. He is talking to me politely. He is going to never let me down.

He will love me more and more. This love is going to grow day by day. He is never letting me down. He is my soul, my comfort and my happiness. He will paint my in his own colors. He will have some bounds around me. He is going to make me smile. I wanna hold his hand. He will hold my hand.

His eyes is world my arms is his world. I wanna lost in his voice he wanna lost in my smile. He is my life and I am his life.

These are imaginative feelings of
girls who feels that they are in love. 
It has no concerns about someone's 
specific life nor mine.

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