Ignorant people are animals

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4 years ago

Man has to acquire humanity through knowledge. If knowledge is not acquired, there is no difference between man and beast.

Man is the best creature of creation. The reason for his superiority is that his conscience does not exist in animals or any other creature. Basically, wise people have been separated from animals in the status of superiority.

Knowledge is dormant in every human being. He is awakened through knowledge. If there is no knowledge in a human being, then there is no difference between him and the beast. He who does not have knowledge does not have the feeling of good and bad justice and injustice does not work. He is equal to the beast.

Knowledge protects people from any unjust crime, evil, evil, including violence, hatred, greed. By guiding knowledge on the path to success, people come in contact with knowledge and express themselves as real people. Without knowledge, man became man in the form of animal instinct at its root. Knowledge destroys human animal instincts and brings human beings to the level of human beings. That is why wise people and animals are a class of animals. Philosopher Plato said that it is better not to be born on earth than to have ignorance because ignorance is the root of all misfortunes. Therefore, acquiring knowledge is essential for human beings to be promoted to the human level.

People get human dignity by being called knowledge. Every human being needs knowledge to live a healthy and beautiful life. Wise people are very much needed because they always work for the good of the society. They are always by the side of people by sacrificing their happiness and peace.

If we want to be wise, we must be well-educated. And through education we have to cut dependency and become self-reliant. A person becomes wise only when his self-power is awakened after acquiring education. We study. This does not mean that I am ignorant. A person can become very wise without studying.

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4 years ago


nice article

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4 years ago