How To Optimise Your Website With SEO Content

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2 years ago

The factors that search engines use to rank your website above competitors are safely guarded to avoid manipulation. But one widely accepted factor that plays an extensive role in SEO analytics is content. Here are some ways to optimise your site with SEO content.

When a user types in a search query on Google, the search engine will find a result that matches the query as closely as possible. It goes to show that optimising your website SEO content for search intent is highly desirable. Businesses must think like their customers if they want to craft SEO content that satisfies search intent. It might include addressing pain points and answering some frequently asked questions. Another great tip is to mention the target keyword you want to rank for a few times on the page to help Google understand your content more appropriately.

Although search engines love optimised content, some companies might go overboard with mentioning SEO keywords on their page, which leads to over-optimising. Google sees ’keyword stuffing’ as a red flag and can even punish your site for it. Therefore, it’s essential to keep keyword density at an acceptable level when crafting SEO content.

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