Just a Girl in Love

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2 years ago

I remember my first Love, no it wasnt'l love more like a crush i think that counts right? A guy i met back in primary school, class 7 to be precise. it's funny how times have changed now it's no longer known as class 7 but grade 7, anyway back to my story. Arnold, was his name, he had just transfered to our school and he would later come to sit beside me in class.

On the first day i couldn't help but notice his kind eyes, there was just something about them that instantly drew me to him. From that day my attraction to him grew as i slowly unraveled and started seeing him for who he is and my oh my i was impressed. A gentle soul, yet so assertive. I am actually surprised that i was still passing my grades however distracted i was. To cut the long story short, we didn't recieve our happy ever after because i was actually to afraid to express how i feel and we partted ways as the school year closed.

I am now a grown up, and adulting sucks but take away the suckiness from it and you have a clean page of actually getting to live life according to your own terms forming both beautiful memories and painful memories along the way.

As a grown up here are a few things i have come to learn about Love:

  1. Love is Respect

    You cannot actually claim that you love someone, without having respect for them. By respect i mean the freedom to be yourself, talking openly, and most of all telling the truth. You cannot love someone if you do not respect them enough to tell them the truth.

  2. Create your own love language

    There are about 5 love langauges i.e gifts, words of affirmation, acts of service,quality time and physical touch. However who said that they should only be 5. create your own love language with your s/0, a language that is unique to the two of you for each relationship is different there is no set rules.

  3. Love will hurt

    It's not always rainbow and roses, there are somedays that you will argue and it will hurt. However how you handle those arguments, will determine where your relationship ends up. Have an open talk and get to express your feelings in a healthy manner and the Hurt in Love will be worth it.

  4. Each individual is unique

    I could probably compare all my dates/ future dates with Arnold, however you need to understand that not everyone will be him, and maybe that is a good thing. The moment you start comparing your current lover to your previous lover then you are missing the opportunity to actually explore and discover who he/she is. And you might be amaized how much a of a catch he /she is if you actaully give them that opportunity.

  5. Love requires you to take risks.

    Before you all get worked up, you need to understand what i mean by saying love requires you to take risks. If i had taken the chance to express how i feel to Arnold, maybe we could have recieved our happy ever after but what am left with now is "what if". You must be willing to take a risk or as people may better put it "take a chance". However be smart about it don't just go taking risks with every tom dick and harry that comes around.

This are just a few of the things that love has personally taught me, and as much as i fear love, we all need a little love now and then be it romantic love or platonic love. I will be back with more insight about love. Before i leave let me leave you with a the lyrics of one of my best love songs. " If this love is pain then Honey let's hurt tonight." Just be sure to notice the collateral beauty:)

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$ 7.70 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Avatar for Hoity-toity
2 years ago


Hoity-toity I like love stories and I liked that you shared one and also give pretty points about love, I appreciate that and also I am looking forward to reading more about love from you. At last but not least I would say " If this love is pain then Honey let's hurt tonight." Just be sure to notice the collateral beauty:) this line is beautifullllll<3 I'm writing it down in my Diary:-)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Hey thanks, i have a loooot of stories to tell. you will defintely love them. However some of them will be a little sad but hey without any sadness there wouldn't be joy. The line is actually from a song by one republic tittled Let's hurt tonight. you should listen to it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Of course I'm interested in all stories no matter sad or happy story it is, and I'm listening to this song.

$ 0.00
2 years ago