Optimism, satisfaction , depression, imagination...

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2 years ago

The most colourful, cheerful charming wonderful and beautiful thing in the world is "canvas" ; canvas of imagination. You can make almost everything happen on this canvas. Every time every minute even every second something is being painted or erased from this canvas. The world of imaginations never die. Every second a new picture is being painted and an old one is being removed from this canvas of imagination.

Sometimes we keep some masterpieces on this canvas for ever but sometimes we unconsciously erase them. Sometimes we want to erase a picture from this canvas for ever but it becomes very hard for us to erase it. We just can't come out of that scene which is imprinted on that canvas. Then we just need to change the colours of the canvas because sometimes the colours collection becomes so irritating that the most colourful pictures seems to be the dull ones; empty of colours.

The world of imaginations is not so colourful as I mentioned earlier, it also has it's dark aspects which don't let you sit with calm.

To keep your world of imaginations and that canvas alive , you should be an "optimist" not a pessimist. An optimist person's mind is the most wonderful thing I have ever seen..........


An optimist's mind is the most wonderful and strange thing I have ever seen.An optimist's mind works like the “auto-correct”, option of our mobile phones. First thing is that no negative aspect arises in an optimist's mind.And if it arises by any means , the “auto-correct”, option changes it in a positive one or only accepts the positive aspects. There are 3 types of optimists.

1.Primary Optimsts:

        Some optimists never think of the negative aspects of any matter. They only think of the positive aspects and have a positive mind . They usually live a happy life without any tensions.

2. Secondary Optimists:

These optimists think of the both positive and negative sides if any situation, but then their mind's “auto-correct ” nullifies that negative aspect and focus only on the positive aspects and the optimist tries his best to make that positive aspect possible.

3. Tertiary Optimists:

Their minds read both the positive and negative aspects of any situation and then tries to convert that negative into positive aspect. They have a fear of happening of the negative things but they never show that they fear of the negative aspects. The thing they show is that they believe that the positive things will happen and circumstances are not gonna lead to the happening of negative things.They always overthink and break themselves. They expect a lot which in the end hurts. ................................................. I sum up by saying that if u want to live a happy life free of tensions u should be an optimist; primary optimist.

"SATISFACTION" Satisfaction is a feeling that satisfies you. A satisfied person is considered a lucky one in today's age. Everyone wants to be satisfied but no one wants to satisfy others. But there is a rule to be remmbered. “TO BE SATISFIED , YOU HAVE TO SATISFY FIRST”. If you only works to satisfy yourselves, you might be satisfied, But if you work for others , you must b satisfied. Satisfaction is a priceless feeling. A man is satisfied when his one of the wishes comes true.He feels satisfied for a certain period of time. Satisfaction is a temporary feeling. After the completion of one wish , a man feels satisfaction and then another wish urges in him and this feeling of satisfaction turns to a worry for the completion of next wish. The series of wishes never stop. But in rare cases, the wishes are limited and once they are fulfilled, the feeling if satisfaction prevails and becomes permanent. Nobody can feel satisfaction with unfulfilled wishes . And no one can fulfill the wishes but Allah Almighty by the means of His people on earth. If you want to be satisfied, try to make others satisfy by your actions and deeds.Try to fulfill others' wishes to the extent you can. May be you are the source of Allah Almighty to fulfill His people's wishes. So try to help others as much as you can.And I can bet you will feel satisfaction as the reward.

DEPRESSION "Why People Are Depressed"

Depression ; what is depression ? The situation in which you think that nothing is coming your way.

Everything and everyone is going away from you.

You feel hopeless.

You feel useless.

Suicidal thoughts emerges. Brain stops working.

You are in search of peace, peace of mind and someone who can console you.

There are various causa of depression.

Some are depressed for career. Some are depressed for studies. Some are depressed of breakup. Some are depressed of friends and many others.

So you can find peace in praying.

If not, then try to pray in peace.

You can find peace by sitting in the company of those who loves you; parents ,one of those, elder brother sisters , cousin whose sincere with you and you know it.

And when you find peace , never let it go. And if it goes, be patient, more peace will come.

Now the question is are people really in depression or they just pretend. To figure out this is too hard.

But I must say "All people are not really depressed , many of those just pretend because "depression" is getting attention here on social media"

Sorry to those who are not agree..

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2 years ago


I see you are new here... welcome to read.cash! This article is a good start.

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