#Rajye_Dhol is beaten by honest and fearless Mamtamayi Abegi Nistaban Dharmika and the beloved king of the people, his only beautiful daughter KB The prince will not marry any of the families of the king's own kingdom ... with a simple, intelligent, fearless, ordinary boy! The king organized a math test in his own palace by world scholars to select his skilled son-in-law! At the end of the test, when the king cut the book with the help of skilled scientists from different states, the three boys got exactly the same number! The king selected three of them from different tests of the world's wise scientists. When arranged, all three of them get exactly the same marks in each test! The king was surprised and very worried! He started thinking how can I have three sons with one daughter? Is it possible to get married? Something has to be done! The king, after much thought about the scholars, finally came up with an idea! The king ... called the three boys to his royal palace and rewarded them with many gold coins! It is not possible to marry three of you!'So show me something i have never seen in my life? Africa went to the continent to find out what the king didn't see! And they went there and they went to three countries! one left the UK and one of the other two went to South Africa and the other went to Brazil! They came to the country and they found the king's unseen sight in the alleys of the country! Fly at a faster speed than you can! He thought the king had never seen it!BRAZIL: A mirror is found! A mirror that points to a person's name can be seen in action! He thinks the king has never seen it! They want to know who bought them! When they find out about their things! They say to the boy who bought the mirror: Tell your mirror the name of the king's daughter We will see him! When the mirror is named after the king's daughter, they see the king's daughter dead They are being taken to the graveyard for! They immediately rushed to the king's daughter faster than a rocket on the towel of the boy who bought the towel to save the king's daughter before burying her in a very short time! Saved from death! Note that the king died three days before his daughter! Which caused a commotion between the three boys and the girl! Now my question to readers is: Who will find the girl?
1. Lemon collector
2. Mirror collector
3. Towel collector