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2 years ago

Persistence is discipline in action. Your ability to persist in the face of all setbacks and temporary failure is essential to success in life.

Napoleon Hill said, "Persistence is to the character of man as carbon s to steel." The primary reason for success is persistence, and likewise, the primary reason for failure is lack of persistence, quitting too soon.

There is a direct link between self discipline and self esteem. Each time you discipline yourself to do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not, your self esteem increase. This why there is direct relationship between self esteem and persistence. Each time you persist and force yourself to continue on, even when you feel like quitting, your self esteem goes up.

Each act of self discipline strengthens every other act of self discipline. Every act of persistence strengthens every other act of persistence. When you discipline yourself to persist, over and over, you like and respect yourself more and more . You become stronger and and more confident. Eventually, you become unstoppable.

The Reward of Persistence

Persistence is it's own reward. Every time you force yourself to persist on task, whether it is large or small,you feel happier and better about yourself.

When you go the extra mile and do more than you are paid for or more than you expected, your self esteem goes up. You feel more powerful and in greater control of your life. In your career, when you go the extra mile you put yourself on the side of the angles.The primary difference between winners and losers in life is simple: Winners never quit, and quitter never win.

You can increase your ability to persist by talking to yourself positively. Say these words: "I am unstoppable!"

Before you begin any major undertaking, preprogram yourself by telling yourself,"I never give up."

Before you can achieve anything worthwhile in life, you have to pass "the persistence test." This is usually a "snap quiz" sprung on you unexpectedly with no warning.You suddenly face major setback, problem, temporary failure, or even a complete disaster. When this happens remind yourself that this is the " testing time." This is when you demonstrate what you are really made of. This is when you show yourself and others the strength of your character and your true determination to succeed.

Your Ability to Respond

Your ability to respond effectively to setbacks your level of "response-ability" is the measure of your readiness to succeed. When you experience major setback or problem, you will feel temporarily stunned. This feeling is very much like a punch in the emotional solar plexus. You will be stopped for a few seconds or a few minutes. During this period, you will often feel discouraged or experience self-pity.You will say,"Why me?"

However,it is not how far you fall that counts,but rather how high you bounce. Your aim is to bounce back as quickly as possible. Resilience bin the face of unexpected reversals is vital to long-term success. Remember the warrior's creed:"I will lay me down to bleed awhile, and then rise and fight again."

Don't be surprised, shocked, or set back when things go wrong.

Your best-laid plans will often fall apart. Instead, expect disappointment and setback as a part of life. Take a deep breath, pick up the pieces, and continue onward.

Optimism Gives You Resilience

The most important quality you need for success and persistence is optimism. This is a boundless confidence in yourself and your ability to ultimately succeed. To remain optimistic,you must control your thinking when things go wrong. Refuse to feel sorry for yourself. Remember, you are not a victim. You are an adult, and you are in charge of your own life. You are doing what you have freely chosen to do. Setbacks come with the territory. They are merely speed bumps on the road to success.

Refuse to blame others or make excuses. When you complain or blame other people,it just makes you feel and sound pretty and small, and, what's worse, it takes away your personal power. Whenever you criticize or complain,it makes you feel weaker and reduces your ability to deal effectively with the situation. Instead, greet every setback by repeating,"I am responsible."

Look for the reason why you are responsible for what happened rather than trying to pass off the blame onto other people. No Excuses.

Be Proactive Versus Reactive

Resolve to focus on the solution and what can be done now, rather than on what happened and and who's to blame.

Think in term of the actions you can take to resolve the situation rather than what went wrong and who is to blame.

To remain optimistic, look for the good in every situation. When you look for something good, you will always find something good. Furthermore, while you're looking for something good, because your conscious mind can hold only one thought at a time, you will automatically become positive, optimistic, and back in full control.

seek the valuable lesson in every problem or difficulty.

Every setback you face contains one or more lessons that have been sent to you to help you be more successful in the future. The difference between successes and failures simple: Failure feel sorry for themselves when things go wrong, whereas successful people look for the valuable lesson they can learn that will help them in the future.

Remember nothing can really stop you but yourself.


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Written by
2 years ago
