Yes! I finished it!

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2 years ago

Good day people!!! Another article that will give me the opportunity to ask you, how are you? What is happening in your life? Did you have a good day? I hope you are doing well!

I can't imagine that I can finish our laundry!

I just finished washing our clothes, I was the only one who did the laundry because mama had just recovered from her fever, it was not supposed to be in the plan to do laundry today because mama just got better, however, we have no more clothes to wear, so no choice, we have to do laundry. I don't want mom to relapse , that's why I made a decision and I represent my self that I will be the only one to do the laundry, even though I don't know if I can handle washing our clothes.

I just keep in my mind that, if my mama gets sick again, it will be more difficult for us.

It's really hard when you are the only daughter in the family, I have no one to help with the housework if mom is not available, anyway, Let's look at the positive. I don't want drama today hehe.

I'm so proud to myself today! for someone as lazy as I am, it's amazing that I was able to finish our laundry without mom's help. Weird right? It is not normal for a child who has finished a lot of laundry to feel happy, because first you will feel tiredness than happy.

But I'm really happy today,I am happy that I got another achievement today. This is the first time I've done laundry that I'm the only one to do that, because usually mom and I do the laundry and then I get tired easily, but now I don't feel the tiredness so much.

It's really worth it to exercise even if it's only 3 times a week, I won't get tired as quickly as before. Look, I still have time to have fun and be happy that I finished what I had to do.

But of course I will never forget to thank Him.

A million thanks to God because He gave me enough strength to finish what I did today and I can let my mom rest for today.

I want to reward myself, What I want to reward myself is that tomorrow I will just lie in my bed all day, charot, it's not possible,I can't do that I have a plan tomorrow and that requires my body to move. That's why I hope it won't reflect tomorrow what I did today, I hope my body won't hurt tomorrow. I also hope I don't get sick because I got a little wet from the rain while doing laundry.

So that's just a little rest, and it's time to hang clothes. After hanging up, I'm sure I'll fell on the bed and sleep immediately. I will really admire myself if after the work I did today I still have the strength to stay up, tsk,tsk.

Thanks be to God for another article I did today

Thank You For Reading and Don't Forget That



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Written by
2 years ago


Your day is productive my friend. You did a laundry and you finished it. We're the same my friend today I did some laundry also.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm really happy that I finished it, for a lazy person like me, I'm happy that I did something productive this vacation

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I'm happy for you my friend because you achieve it.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's a good thing 🤗 you did a really good thing

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yup I guess I did a good thing, even at least once this vacation hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago