The Courage To Change

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2 years ago

It's been quite a bit of time since my last update. I did manage to do some of the things I talked about, and I have them on tick-tock and YouTube. Follow and subscribe. You will notice that things took a turn for a rather different way from what I described. As in things got more spiritual, well if you got something to say about that then the comment section is there for that. It sometimes gets disabled. Just saying.

I definitely learned a lot and grew more than a pair. Especially about facing things and living my truths. Oh there's so many truths, I can't believe how many truths are there. I had this whole conception that when Jesus talked about " you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free" I thought it's just one solid truth until I met vibrations, frequencies and numbers. They define love in so many ways of truth and light, so many fractals it's like a billion carat diamond. Anyway as they say that it is what you make of it, and I use to say this a lot, now I'm more versed into the saying that it is what I make of it. This is so I do not get stuck in the past. As a form of tribute to this great discovery of future present focus mindset, I teach this or share this. This is also in the believe that what you give out comes back I. Many folds. I share the best of me with the purest intentions and what I'm expecting to get is the cool staff that will inspire more content. If that's not love then the truths must be distorted, just kidding. Everyone has their love language, mine is all about that knowledge or the working of the mind and brain some call it sapiosexuality. I actually thought that's how everyone is, until I met X videos I never thought face mattered much. I always thought the smartest girl is the hottest of all of them, that the brains matter most. As I grew into the world it turned out different, I got wheeled into the beauty trap of looking at certain features of people and labeling them as beauty or not. This was the hardest to break out of, actually I needed to get broken within to release this one. Almost everyone needed to become the enemy, they needed to abuse me so I let go of the beauty trap. Because instead of the beauty trap really having me, I too had the beauty trap in my grasp. To let go I needed to level up so much that I became a whole different person. Thought different too, became more attracted to the way people think and the energy they give off, which was the same as way back when but this time I am not in a school set up. I'm in the world now, checking out the men and deciding the kind of lifestyle I lay before me as I look at the many timelines I have set before myself. It's a beautiful experience!

The more interesting part of this is when I have been for the longest time, working against my own will. Of course there's different culprits involved so I needed to be more careful with who I invite into my experience or go around to. All is well either way, I feel amazing and I'm picking a lot of these Airdrops. I've also formulated a lot of manners one can win at this game,. Meaning I'll be able to coach/mentor/ motivate those willing to test out what I got. This I will love a lot, I even got that Neuroscience for personal development certification. I'll attach a screenshot so you too can be inspired to get yours.

This pandemic scam has left me richer and wiser, more books read, listened and researched on. Hundreds of articles written, countless posts and infinite lessons learned. All hustles dropped because the understanding of hustling meant that it's only a matter of time before you too get hustled. So what do you do if you do not hustle? That a really good question, what you do is step into your highest performance state without holding back anything in anyway shape or form. Speak your truth, love yourself, go where you'll be treated best and inspire those around you. Always remembering that nothing matters more than that I feel good has helped me set the standard for myself that no matter what happens I'll always be there for myself. Loving myself, caring for myself, making sure I feel good no matter what, speaking my truth in all areas of life without having to oppress no one. In other words I'm creating the life I'd like to have hosting the ideals that I put before me. Such as the performance state that I'm about, to expect the kind of people that I'm expecting to receive there's a lot that need to align with the highest frequencies. This has become easier because of the surrendering I have been making. The whole time I thought one needed to surrender to some creed, until I found that you actually surrender to yourself by allowing yourself to work through you in allowing you to step out of your own way. This is still an ongoing process for me and what is consider loses long ago have amounted up to no more than lessons. When pieced together, they form a shield to ward off the much negative emissions that riddle this world. And oh this made me a whole lot more knowledgeable, confident and calm as I worked out to get my energies flowing through all the points they couldn't before. Made it less about the money by making it more about the feeling because that's what I needed more than anything, good feelings -unhindered or hidden in anyway shape or form.

My typical day now would start with gratitude breaths to recalibrate myself. Then a quick reorientation cos I seem to have a slight vertigo effect. This morning I woke up with my jaw hurting bad, the thought of it healed it. There's a lot of physical pain but I heal these in an instance, the scars are the emotional pains but these too I'm learning to master. The more I stay in this, the stronger I get and the more I flow. Of course it'd be much better elsewhere and to know that the last three years was spend in Vertigo hermit mode, just getting my bearing now. These seem to come with challenges to run and what not. From the experiences I have gotten middle fingers up and chosen growth. At its own pace which is paid many folds over in death so I made a truce with death that she can come for me anytime she feels fit. Even now! Such energies huh. So if you set such truces with death the who can make you run? Buddha? For what? Mr Miyagis training? Knowing that I'm a mad Martial artist? That's a fancy title i never use.

So after calibrating, I choose wether to step out and attend to plants or workout. Depending on the hour, sometimes no worries on the hour i skip on out abd do them pushups and press-ups to get the energy moving. I use to skip rope, which is my go to exercise and will most definitely be looking forward to doing it again. Other than stepping out I'd allow myself some learning time. Mostly spiritual staff but it's never enough, there's always something new to be learned from those that share what they go through and I found that these are so many out there. Actually in the millions on different platforms that are rooting for our spiritual literacy and growth or so to say. It's a beautiful thing to have 1% of the world teach the 99% how to - spiritual staff. The more I learn, the more I need to learn. I get humbled, and get deeper within myself, noticing my limits get thinner and thinner. I get stronger and more lovingly dangerous, which is hot and somewhat very lonely road. But that's alright!

After that I'd probably take some Ayurvedic staff, that's neem and turmeric. Sometimes just neem with or without water. Recently I'm experimenting with powder forms and incorporating it into food, because I do not take it as food. It's medication to help me rid my alimentary canal of toxins. As you'll hear in the podcast and on the YouTube videos, I'm really hot on this cleanse vibe. Why? Well because my resistance is my whole nation, so I decided to share all I am before I move on. Actually this was not my full decision I was spiritual guidance, based on what has been happening all my life having been somewhat a spiritual slave or what Bob call mental slavery. It's nothing to worry about just work it off or walk it off, breath it off, write it off and all shall be well, just grow stronger and more fit to house the energies that you are about and go on to your heights. That's it? Barely, there's a lot of hoeshit to go through. A lot of silence listening to your every word you lyric down or article up. Sing the song anyway and publish the article anyway. As a matter of fact put out as many as you can keeping it as truthful as it can be. Explore the many half truths that's been thrown around. Like "it's all within you" the toxins or the knowledge? You'll understand these when you do much research to block out the noise and allow grace to flow through.

See you worried you might end up alone? Don't worry spirit is always with you and he's chosen you long before any of these trinkets came forth. And he is so lovely, she is super amazing, both the feminine and masculine, it's just amazing!

A lot of that comes from the growth and learning segment that actually changed my life. The more involves getting some sun,stay bare-chest, limiting the fluoride, feeling good, being true and just if not true and just, maybe fearful- I then check myself and asses what vibes fuel this fears in the first place because fear is the seed of the wicked and I is not wicked so that comes from somewhere else. I can be ruthless and wicked if I choose to be but not while I learn these lessons.

After the sun has gone down, with some hundreds of pushups and two or three hours of content and footage I'm ready to hit the sack or sleep. Which is the worst habit actually cos it doesn't benefit me much to sleep when others are having charge over my spirit so I do learn all I can to get myself aligned with my highest self and of what I've heard it takes anywhere from a few minutes to lifetimes so I'm pretty cool with spending a couple of years figuring out ways to align with my highest self, so far death has been the most reasonable method although it's heavily guarded and I can't seem to amount up enough oomf or willpower to will myself into death so I asked her to come for me when she feels right about it! What to do in the meantime then? Grow and be patient on the unfolding of things because death must be somewhere there I mean we see her everyday in us and around us so I don't think it's much of a big deal for her to come for me, she probably has a bit more on her schedule like those that mess you up.

So when I got real good ideas especially for articles I write the articles or act on the idea before I sleep cos in the dreams the sandman is a bit mad so he don't let me wake up with much more than anger so I needed to learn things that would make me feel good always. Love!

Thanks for the read, I'll be working on the numbers article because it's been a few months since the last one. To continue I'd need to catch myself up with the time lost between now and then, basic maths!

When you checkout my content you won't miss this, also incase you don't get to see some other of my creations. I like to add this last part of Ayurvedic treatment. If you have additional suggestions on how you do yours please let me know!

To get there, keep these in mind..... Is what I wrote to myself from what I've learned from the great Guru's teachings.

A very clear intention + elevated emotion that is maintained and powered over time will lead to manifestations. The issues come in when the trash is not taken out. When you didn't understand trash is trash. It takes a while.

Imagination, Interllect, Intuition.

Imagination is the creation arena, powered by intuition through Interllect. These three meet at the manifestation point from the metaphysical, Fromm the physical and from the mind.


I'm asserting the mastery of my real self.

This is another one of those affirmations that I picked up along the way. The thing with affirmations is that you have to feel it and so become emotionally charged by your intentions of affirmation. It' hits different when you do not have any emotions so the prime goal is getting to feel again, taking put the trash and keeping the trash out.

While I've been on the road, wishing to die almost everyday. I catch myself in thought of ways to clear out the trash. Detox is the best way, coupled with truth and responsibilities that play vital role in maintenance.

Here's what I'm working with/ towards.

100 day detox blended concussion.





Moringa Seeds (crushed, fine powder)

Moringa pills (powdered leaves)

Pure water/soya milk/ 100% fruit juice

Pure non irradiated honey


Neem (powdered or oil extract)

Oregano (oil extract)


Fresh frozen fruits





Sea moss


Sea weed




CBD infusions

Himalayan honey


Aloe Vera




Without blending, the results might turn out different. Blend well into smoothie, for ideal results. When possible take 12x everyday for first 30 days, 6x everyday for the next 30 days and 3x everyday for the last 40 days while doing physical therapy.



6 X 2 kg first 30 days

3 x 2 kg next 30 days

3 X 1 kg last 40 days


3 X 1 kg for 100 days

Willpower X infinity X infinity

Everything else as per property requirements.

Keep these in mind

16 Chemical Elements in the body

















From the Supreme Power Course by Dr Murdo McDonald Ray.

And Chicken protein 17.5 g/100g

Energy 621 kj/100g

If you like, check out these, I got more brutally honest content. My search for growth in truth and responsibilities only keeps getting better. I found that there is nothing like truth, super powerful and sacred. I share my truths with you. If you are bothered by my truths, find refuge in yours.



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2 years ago
