Hermitworldwide | The Philosophy and analogy

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3 years ago

Hermitworldwide is an adaptation of situations and circumstances into life. Both a name and a brand, Hermitworldwide serves to better focus Gotty King who is initially something else too. The reason for these adaptations is not fear or flight but rather the keeping up with evolution of oneself. The next level to this madness is the Lording of the King. He will go by Lord Gotty King, which must be weird because he's both a lord and a king. Well the king part is adapted to fit his image of himself then life readapted it to fit the definition of a king, which hurt a lot because a king is made through a furnace of crap through life and Gotty wasn't knowledgeable of that. But he had to endure it anyway, or rather it happened anyway. As for the Lord title approval, much like the Dr of philosophy or the Dr of medicine or the actual sir of the dukeness, the Lordship is a title given to one who owns land in the shire. You actually do not need to bent over for this one but you need to have live land as in have a certified land that has at least one tree growing on it. And guess what? Gotty King is Lord too!

Hermitworldwide also has a tarot reading origin, where during the search of meaning Gotty King would be searching the net for the latest readings. Gotty King especially likes the readings done within the hour just for freshness sake. Anything longer than a few hours will have to resonate on another level. There's been more challenging emotions towards card readings, they had stopped urging him to be about the card readings so he had to resort to email reception by Aurora Starr, 💖 the love and guide. The star card, hermit card, wheel of fortune, ten of Pentacles and the chariot are amongst the frequent fliers for Gotty King. He then was relating to all these cards, the star is who he is as an Aquarian star, in the dawn of the age of Aquarius and so much more including the stellium that has been in the house of Aquarius. The star card had him straighten out his life in many aspects including financial but not so much romantic life. The lovers card never really appears and when it does it's highly neglected. It just doesn't serve much in the world that we live in, finding out how selfish everyone really is just explains why they are the way they are. Always hungry, like take a break punes. So there is another worthy mention which is the world card, it appears most times with the wheel of fortune, making Gotty King see too many of these fortunes driving around. Which is wonderful and all. The chariot for Gotty King is a rolls Royce phantom, it aligned with a prophetic reading although the Lord will have a Gwagon. Incredible lead of chariots to one who doesn't drive much lost his licence and has no interest in driving for himself but maybe later. Cars are something else too, might move the King's attention to jets as a Jetsetter.

Ten of Pentacles really signals hope, live and appreciation more than anything. Ten of Pentacles just has the best of feelings with it and it's super explosive! At least that's the matching energies. The hermit card then comes in, fueled by the lot and more, the Pirate King has been on a hermetic movement for about three years now. The current circumstances actually have him cycle around familiar places which really feels like he's not going anywhere but being driven around by some mysterious mystical force that's fuxinng him over. It's in this hermetic mode that the Lord pirate king actually found his child, healed him and now is a spectacle of attention, all day everyday the king remains testing the impacts and effects of different conditions around his child to know how to approach the past wounds when doing time travel healing things. As for the supreme being, the higher self, that one has always been prominent especially when intoxicated, that one comes out to play a lot. Unlike the child, the supreme never shys away from anything, the supreme is also everything that the king can only imagine while the child is all that too but so lovely and pure that nothing can match up. In direction of the supreme, the king has been hermetically oriented. All over the place but really just cycling around as the motions of everyday got riddled with all kinds of energies, fluorides, lockdowns, and so much more on all levels. The gut level has been the worst, as the focus of healing it was in the attention of the king that you are what you eat but something has kept him from researching farther into the gut. As if someone would actually be beside the king telling him to think slightly about the gut but not with enough interest to research about it. So this happened for numerous other things too but they all lessons now. Nothing matters more than that I feel good. In this hermit mode the king became lord and mindsets had been elevated, the supreme got agitated one too many time and crap went down. The child is constantly being healed as conditions present themselves. Projects and challenges are completed as they bring themselves forth but only when in power because there's some madness around the king that pulls him back to some extent of lying, stealing or being shrude. This needed more healing and introspect because it signals lack or need for approval. Needing to look deeper into this helped the king understand a lot of things that's going on around and why people like to say it's in the hands of God. Heck everything is in the hands of God but if you leave it like that you stand the chance of winning the most pathetic lottery as the world weathers away at you. It's definitely no joke but so is the power within you, you as a supreme being holds so much and are much more than you know. So if you explore just enough you'll find that the only reason to worry if there's any, is due to being in present too much. Taking reality too literal and being too much in the past or the future, this fux up the energy so much it's all over the place. Once the king learned to centre himself he went to what he does best- write. And write he did. Everything else in the King's life stems from writing, pen and paper not so much, more typing and voice to word although a better voice to word application is needed. There been three books outcome, numerous articles published and so much more. Writing has been the basis of all that the King set his mind to. In hermitworldwide mode, there's always moments of mind drafts, much like Nikola Tesla, the King loves drafting in his mind until the picture is complete then bring out onto the drawing board. Surprisingly this happens on occasions and only now the recognition comes to life. What does Hermitworldwide do? Hermitworldwide worries about nothing, heals everything, does what he can to conjure up growth and power, use what he got to get where he must and when situations escalate the Hermitworldwide fux off. So many cycles it's been, so much power to believe in. It is this power that fires and ignites the philosophy of the Hermitworldwide. Like an experiment gone wrong, the Hermitworldwide wasn't supposed to become but became nonetheless. Broken, innocence stolen and what not, love and healing is the only answers. Not that we cannot be otherwise because we are but recognition of learning times and acting times. The little punny games of the puny ones is evident all over place but that's like being closed in from the main vortex which is only time that will free us in love. Not that we can't do anything about it, oh we can. All the detox in the world will serve us right. To be frank, all we need to do is replace everything. In absolute. Including the body, it's all vibrations, just a shift of the consciousness into better eating habits, better environment, better speaking, better exercises, better thoughts, good company, clear out the platforms and keep the gut clear of toxins. We have found that anyone bothered by our expressions can actually house the toxins in their own gut or azz....

So it's all in the love and healing that we find peace, in the old days they accumulate backward numbers. This new era has it different, it's way beyond just being condoms, tampons and dogs, it's about harnessing the energies transmuting them and realising that for anything to go out of you it has to have been through you. That says a lot, shines on so much wisdom that most times is forgotten and locked away. The Hermitworldwide as a brand of self awareness looks into this detail to the last bit as to fully power up the Lord!





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I'd like to hear from you, don't let fear keep your comments in mind. Bring them out, let's read and critic each other.

Love and light


Bless up!

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3 years ago
